re:compass #1

Navigator for events during 27 April — 03 May 2020

Aiste Lehmann
6 min readApr 24, 2020


After first month under quarantine and work from home conditions, two things are clear. One, that tech community was very fast to switch from in-person events to virtual meetups and conferencing. Second, there are so. many. events!

What was once a concentrated content and networking event within very limited time and space, now became constantly ongoing process accessible for everyone all over the world. As they say, it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere.

This new reality brings lots of opportunities, but also information over saturation. We all have a limited time and resources to spend!

Therefore I am restarting my weekly event guide series. Let’s call it re:compass at the moment. I’m trying to keep it short, selecting ~10-ish events every week for variety of interests. Feel free to subscribe to the newsletter, bookmark this page and share it with the friends if you find it useful.

And without further ado, let’s get to the interesting happenings next week!

HoBB: Is It Love? The Future of Relationships

When: 2020 April 27, 16:00 CET
Access: free
Type: online session

House of Beautiful Business is curious about relationships: From feelings to apps and AI — what changes, what endures? One of the most inspiring series of online sessions out there which are recommended for curious people looking for sparks of brilliance and connection with like-minded people. Tim Leberecht and Monika Jiang curate Living Room sessions with utmost care and professionalism. And the best thing — Living Room sessions are free until end of May.

Future.Works Remote Tech Week

When: 2020 April 27 — May 01, 16:00–19:00 WEST every day
Access: free (donations
to COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO are encouraged)
Type: series of online events

‘Remote’ doesn’t have to mean ‘distant’. The Remote Tech Week is a set of online events filled with training and sharing moments from handpicked speakers being distributed through the week with a specific focus every day: Monday — Remote Working, Tuesday — Remote Recruiting, Wednesday — Development, Thursday — Product, Friday — Future of Work. This is a free event but organizers are kindly asking to support it by donating to COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO.

INNO 2020

When: 2020 April 28–29
Access: free
Type: virtual conference

INNO is the world’s leading cross-industry innovation conference, presented by Revelry. Due to COVID-19, INNO is being held virtually and is now completely FOR FREE to all who wish to attend. The conference hosts a stellar lineup of industry leaders from Oracle, ExxonMobile, T-Mobile, Visa, IBM, and more. I just subscribed to a session “Good artists copy. Great artists steal.” Don’t judge me.

Red Hat Summit 2020

When: 2020 April 28–29
Access: free
Type: virtual conference

Website says “Immerse yourself in our free virtual event and find your inspiration at the intersection of choice and potential.” Not sure how immersive is an event about open hybrid cloud, automation and cloud-native development, but it is definitely the biggest virtual gathering for IT professionals this week. Check it out, it’s free!

VB GamesBeat Summit

When: 2020 April 28–29
Access: free
Type: virtual conference

#1 gaming conference is going online, and it is free! Attendees will have access to livestreamed and recorded talks, the chance to engage in intimate breakout sessions and networking roundtables, 1:1 meetings with gaming thought leaders, access to our sponsors and gaming partners, and more. And the theme for 2020 is The Dawn of a New Generation. Exciting!

Start Up Funding Summit

When: 2020 April 28
Access: £48 (this includes VAT + £10 donation to NHS Charities Together)
Type: virtual conference

This virtual conference is intended for startups looking to raise investment in UK, but topics discussed will be interesting for everyone looking for advice on fundraising during these times. The summit will kickoff with sessions covering the fundamental areas to consider when raising investment, including: negotiating terms and valuation, securing IP and crowdfunding. Investors and experienced entrepreneurs will be sharing their experiences of raising investment from seed round all the way through to multi-million pound exits, answering your questions along the way.

The Survival Strategy For Your Business In Uncertain Times

When: 2020 April 28, 13:00 GMT+1
Access: free
Type: online session

Twilio Startups and SeedLegals are teaming up to bring you interactive online workshop on how to keep your business healthy in a time of uncertainty. Variety of topics cover tips on how to deal with your team, reduce burn rate, maintain investor relationships and protect your assets.

Innovate Finance: Focus on the Future of Data

When: 2020 April 28, 17:00 GMT+1
Access: free
Type: online session

In this session, Innovate Finance will explore the impact of a wealth of data, on consumers, financial services and the economy, touching on discussion points such as use of data in financial services, regulation of data, possible new emerging business models and key risks for businesses.

d.labs webinar: Survive or thrive — is the crisis really an opportunity?

When: 2020 April 29, 17:00 CET
Access: free
Type: webinar

Reality as we know it no longer exists, and it might never return. ‘Business as usual’ might get a very new meaning after this pandemic. It’s time to reevaluate company’s processes and business models and rethink its relevance in crisis. Quite an interesting topic to get involved with a company that has built unicorns.

The 3 Rules behind the Most Successful Products

When: 2020 April 29, 18:00 GMT+1
Access: free
Type: webinar

Silicon Valley visionary, investor and award-winning bestselling author SC Moatti lays out the three rules every product needs to be successful. Those three rules are the body rule, the spirit rule, and the mind rule. Anyone as curious about it as I am?

Wolves Summit Live

When: 2020 April 30
Access: €49/month for startups, €99/month for investors & corporates => use the code WSLTECHEU for a 25% discount
Type: virtual conference

Wolves Summit was founded in 2015, and has become one of the most active platforms in Europe helping startups to grow while facilitating bespoke introductions to investors, corporations and ecosystem players. As the coronavirus was wrecking the whole event industry, Wolves decided to move online and turn what was a great conference into exclusive series of monthly live startup-investor match-making events and webinars from experts in the field of finance, investment, technology development, and science to help international founders grasp the situation. Join them every last Thursday of a month and network your heart out!

Rise of AI Virtual Chats — Trustworthy AI — opening the Black Box with Dr. Beril Sirmacek

When: 2020 April 30, 14:00 CET
Access: free
Type: online session

Rise of AI conference has been officially cancelled. However, team is continuing with excellent AI chats every Thursday while facilitating discussion with one expert at the time. It is a great place to connect with European AI community. Join Fabian’s conversation with Dr. Beril Sirmacek about opening the Black Box of AI on 30th April. We will talk about how AI frameworks can help machines to be trusted and explainable.

Electronic Labor Day

When: 2020 May 01–03
Access: free (donations to DJs are encouraged)
Type: online music festival

Have you been to parties in Lebanon? I have, and need to tell — Lebanese know how to party like no other! And while it is unlikely to travel to Lebanon any time soon, you can experience their amazing entertainment scene during this Labor Day. The Syndicate of Owners of Restaurants, Cafes, Nightclubs and Pastries in Lebanon are teaming up to bring you the Electronic Labor Day — a three-day, virtual electronic music festival. The marathon will be broadcast on all platforms. You can join whenever you want, check back after the breakfast.



Aiste Lehmann

Building implementable structures from chaos of ideas :: Science geek @reevent_me