re:compass #30: Just Click ‘EXIT’ 💢

Navigator for events during 16–22 November 2020

Aiste Lehmann
7 min readNov 13, 2020


Internet is ruled by introverts and the cats. Well, mostly our feline overlords take the crown, but there is a widely accepted notion that introverts on internet feel like at home.

This is largely true as the “internet” is predominantly an asynchronous communication channel while giving decent control over with whom one can interact. Posting, tweeting, chatting and emailing can all reduce social anxiety and make it easier to approach people one has never meet in person.

But hearing that online conferences “work well” for introverted people caught me by surprise. I am much more inclined to argue the exact opposite: online events are much more difficult for introverts than in-person conferences.

First, the “friendly introduction” option is completely gone in the online setting thus one needs to take the plunge and start reaching out to new people without this security blanket. Second, online platforms provide very limited options for communication, focusing essentially only on text chats and video calls, stripping all non-verbal cues that are quite useful in physical settings. One look sometimes is all it takes to assess if someone is approachable and looking for a contact. You can look at the screen as much you want, it will not start giving you cues about who would be interested to exchange couple snarky remarks off the record. Thus choosing who to interact with does not become any easier, especially when online events provide abundance of options and little of direction.

Of course, one can try random networking tools but while extroverts are excited about this option introverts experience mini existential crisis right before clicking that button.

One of the arguments used in favour for introverts is that in the online world it is much easier to leave conversations we do not want to take a part in. Just click ‘exit’ and it’s over. A bit like walking away without saying goodbye and making screeching sounds. “Sorry,” <hrghzzmhhhm> “my internet broke”…

Well, that’s kind of rude. And being rude with intent also requires certain social finesse which is not necessary one of skills in introverts possession.

So, I am curious. If you are leaning towards introversion, how the online event experience has been for you? Let me know.

Enjoy the selection of events for the next week. As the new events are being added all the time, some earlier sneak preview of the guide can part of your calendar. Just add re:compass calendar here.

👋 Hello Tomorrow Global Summit

When: 16–20 November 2020
Access: €45 — €1,999
Format: online
Place: Paris, France

From the climate crisis to the ongoing pandemic, change is inevitable. Inspired by nature, fuelled by research, new solutions are changing the rules. Deep Tech is driving it by building long-term solutions to the unprecedented crises we are facing, as a society. Join the Hello Tomorrow Summit, an event solely dedicated to deep tech matters and building connections between science, startups and investors. Let’s shape the future. Together.

🥚 European Startup Festival

When: 16–21 November 2020
Access: €80 + fees
Format: online
Place: Turin, Italy

European Startup Festival is dedicated to create a border less, collaborative start-up ecosystem. There are 18 events during the Festival, such as keynote speeches, workshops and panels, besides networking and matchmaking between startups and investors. Tickets currently are at €80 + fees, however, if you are not in a position to buy the ticket due to the current economic situation there is a “donation” option.

🌅 Rise of AI

When: 2020 November 17–18
Access: free
Format: online conference
Place: Berlin, Germany

Rise of AI run a series of very good weekly online sessions with AI researchers and entrepreneurs, thus it is quite expected to look forward for this conference. For two days Rise of AI is inviting AI experts, decision-makers, opinion-leaders and game-changers to discuss Artificial Intelligence for society and business. The event originally was planned to be hybrid, but sadly it is not possible to join this event in-person anymore.

🤘 CTO Summit

When: 2020 November 17–21
Access: €50 — €75
Format: online conference
Place: Valencia, Spain

There are not many events out there dedicated specifically to CTOs of startups, thus this one really stands out. Is there anything that rocks harder than hearing about failures and success of a company? CTO Rockstars will be on the virtual stage to share their expertise, decisions and various stories of tech companies. That is without any kind of doubt one of the best ways to learn. Are you ready to stay tuned to the most rocking of all tech events?

Technical Coffee Chat — Managing complexity in VUCA world

When: 2020 November 17, 15:00 GMT
Access: free
Format: online session
Place: Gdansk, Poland

Today’s world can be well described by the acronym coined by the US military: VUCA = Vulnerability, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Nowadays, often, traditional Taylor’s scientific management techniques are no more relevant and our trust in best known methods, root cause analysis and planning our future leads us astray. Pawel Pieczul, who has been exploring this field while working for Intel, will discuss how concepts like Cynefin, adaptive leadership and Sensemaking can help us thrive in the VUCA world.

💃 Startup ecosystem landscapes by Womenpreneurs Balkans

When: 2020 November 17, 17:00 CET
Access: free
Format: online session
Place: Skopje, Macedonia

The Womenpreneurs Stories initiative has been leading the efforts in uniting the Balkan startup ecosystems, together with amazing partners in each country. At this year’s edition of #GEW2020, roundtable with amazing and inspiring women will be organized, where you can learn more about the opportunities available in each country, what challenges are common, how we can collaborate and learn about access to these markets.

🌨️ Node by Slush #3

When: 2020 November 18–19
Access: free/membership
Format: online sessions
Place: Helsinki, Finland

No November is complete without a little bit of Slush — not even in a year like this. Node by Slush Community Event #3 on Nov 18–19 is the last event for this year, and it is strongly focused on facilitating startup-investor connections and introducing a new concept for making that happen: the Matchmaking Sprint. In the Matchmaking Sprint, 100 founders will get the chance to pitch their startup to 25 investors — but you need to apply for the membership in order to take part in this. There are also number of free-to-attend online sessions planned, e.g. Fireside chat with Miki Kuusi, Co-Founder and CEO of Wolt, about going from Launch to Unicorn in 5 years; chat with Sequoia in Europe: Why Now and What Should Founders Know?; or talk with Casey Winters, CPO at Eventbrite, about Growth Models That Disrupt the Tech Industry.

🏃 Running Remote Virtual

When: 2020 November 18
Access: $0 — $49
Format: online session
Place: Austin, USA

As long-time practitioners, Running Remote has led its in-person flagship conference since 2018 focused on pioneering the future of remote work. Due to the 2020 pandemic they successfully pivoted into virtual events. Whether you run a remote-first company or a remote team within a hybrid or traditional company, this event is for you. Get inspired, sharpen your skills and energize your creativity with insights from experts leading the remote work revolution.

🦸‍♀️ Future Founders Conference

When: 2020 November 18
Access: free
Format: online session
Place: Austin, USA

The Future Founders Conference is a virtual event by Y Combinator for women who aspire to become startup founders and want to learn from inspiring, successful entrepreneurial women. The one-day, virtual event will feature talks and panels with YC partners, YC alumnae, and other founding women, followed by open sessions with experts. Speakers will share tactical advice and their honest account of what it’s like to find co-founders, leave corporate jobs, pitch investors, and scale their companies. Attendance is free, but entry is not guaranteed. You are required to apply to attend.

🥋 Survive & Thrive: Creative Content

When: 2020 November 18, 13:00 GMT
Access: free
Format: online session

e-commerce has skyrocketed during the pandemic with some estimates saying the pandemic has pushed e-commerce 4–6 years into the future. Well, not exactly a surprise this year. But it is now even more difficult to stand out from the competition. This session is looking at how to cut through the noise with Creative Content that grabs your audience’s attention. Getting the right mix of Webinars, Blogs and Stunning visuals can be the difference between success and failure. Join the session to hear how small and growing companies can make amazing things happen using creative thinking and content strategies. Even on tight budgets!

🎯 Touch Digital Summit

When: 2020 November 20–29
Access: $0 — $15
Format: online conference
Place: Tbilisi, Georgia

Touch Digital Summit is a remote international tech conference with hybrid networking and industry-specific talks and workshops in Central Eastern Europe. 10-day event will gather remotely over 1000 guests from Europe, Israel, Middle East and beyond — entrepreneurs, marketers, developers, SMEs & big corporations of various industries, media and innovators. Join to meet entrepreneurs from CEE and listen to keynotes by Google, HubSpot, Pipedrive, DeviantArt, Twitch and many more.

re:compass is a weekly event navigator for entrepreneurs in the tech industry. Subscribe to receive the guide to your inbox every Friday or join re:compass calendar to have event recommendations right next to your schedule.



Aiste Lehmann

Building implementable structures from chaos of ideas :: Science geek @reevent_me