🤓 re:compass #38: Virtual Event Stats

Navigator for events during 08–14 February 2021

Aiste Lehmann
7 min readFeb 5, 2021


Bizzabo recently released their The 2021 Virtual Events Benchmark Report where they looked into how events industry approached virtual events in 2020. Granted, it takes into account only data from the events hosted on their platform, but it is hard cold data and potential insights into the future of virtual events.

So, what are the most interesting things Bizzabo find out by crunching their data?

Out of 1850 virtual events during five month period, 80% were created to be attended free. Yep, Pareto’s Law is alive and kicking, with about 20% of virtual events generating revenue from attendees.

How big of a revenue? Well, the average price for a paid ticket was $443. Bless developed markets, as this is often average monthly salary on the fringes of South-East Europe. However, the pricing tendencies were quite volatile from month to month, which means that organizers are testing extensively the balance between larger audience reach and event revenue.

The price seems to be the one of very few elements that have been experimented with. Regarding the format of events, majority still seems to be trying to replicate large-scale conferences and conventions in the online world. However, only 16% of virtual sessions are panels or keynotes with thousands of viewers, while majority of sessions became shorter and more interactive.

Another interesting piece of data is that about 50% of people who registered for a virtual event actually show up there. Report does not provide a more detailed breakdown, but it would be safe to assume that more people decided to skip free events than paid ones. Which is probably ok, as an event on Bizzabo platform had 14 sponsors on average, making the loss of attendees more bearable for the organizers. Maybe not that pleasant for the sponsors, but quality over quantity, right?

In summary, about half of registrants show up at virtual events, 80% of virtual happenings are free while there are enough of sponsors and paying attendees for organizers to experiment with price models and type of online content.

After this report 2021 does not even look that bad for an event industry. Granted, for the ones that managed to digitize themselves and their attendees, but (virtual) world is full of opportunities.

🖖 It’s All About Relationships: Engaging your Employees

When: 08 February 2021, 10:00 GMT
Access: free
Type: online session

Well, why not to start the Valentine’s week with a serious talk about relationships? Relationships with and between employees, that’s it. Join David McLaughlin for this webinar on Monday 8th February, to gain an understanding of how and why you should engage with your employees and team members to drive success for all.

📱 Mobile Growth Summit Global Virtual Conference 3.0

When: 10–11 February 2021
Access: membership
Type: online conference

Mobile Growth Summit will bring together peers and experts from around the globe to learn, connect, and grow at entirely online event this year. There’s something for everyone at MGS GVC 3.0. Four key tracks — Mobile Marketing, Monetization, CRM & LTV, and Development & Operations — make it easier than ever to find the insights one needs to move business and career forward.

👟 STEP Next

When: 10 February 2021
Access: application
Type: online job fair

Step Next is MENA’s exclusive tech talent platform designed to match the best talent with the top tech companies and startups. The 2019 edition had more than 30 participating companies and recruiters, 300 attendees, including over 150 talent profiles. Step Next’s 2021 virtual edition will bring talent interested in working at early and growth stage startups to meet for potential opportunities. One can participate in the event either as a talent, either as hiring startup. If you are anyhow involved with MENA region, this event is a good launchpad for further business development.

💱 To The Point: State of European Fintech

When: 10 February 2021, 10:00 CET
Access: free
Format: online session

Tech.eu is starting a brand new event series called To The Point, with first event focusing on the State of European Fintech. Join in to peek into one of Europe’s premier business verticals, recent research, as well updated numbers and analysis that you will not find in the report, which was created in collaboration with global investment group Finstar. Tech.eu founding editor Robin Wauters will lead conversations with fintech executives such as Dr. Verena Thaler, VP Business Development and Strategy at Raisin, and Antoine Nougué, Head of Commercial at Checkout.com, as well as fintech-savvy venture capitalists like Eileen Burbidge, a founding partner at Passion Capital and formerly the British Treasury’s “special envoy” for fintech, and Mike Lobanov, COO and GP at Target Global.

🌿 Meet the Eastern Europe Startup Community Leaders

When: 10 February 2021, 16:30 GMT
Access: free
Format: online session

Eastern Europe has a fast-growing startup ecosystem, and entrepreneurs here are lucky to have so many resources available to help them in their journey. However, many people don’t know about all of the resources available, the differences between them, or what resources are right for them — especially in our post-Coronavirus world. Meet startup community leaders in Eastern Europe during this event: Svetozar Georgiev (Bulgaria) — Co-Founder Telerik, Telerik Academy, Campus X, angel investor and community builder, Ivan Bjelajac (Serbia) — Co-Founder & CEO MVP Workshop, Board Member at Serbia Venture Network, President at Serbia Blockchain Initiative, Bogdan Iordache (Romania) — Founder at How to Web, Co-Founder TechAngel, Janet Todorova (Bulgaria) — Director at Founder Institute Sofia.

💸 [MoneyNext] Gender Diversity and Inclusion in Financial Services

When: 11 February 2021, 10:00 GMT
Access: free
Type: online session

According to Oliver Wyman, the percentage of women in financial services leadership roles is still below 25% globally, despite improvements over the last 20 years. Over that time, and especially recently, we have seen a growing awareness of the issue, along with strong business cases for increased inclusion and diversity in the workforce. Mindsets are clearly shifting, but levels of diversity on boards and in senior leadership roles are still far too low. With a long way to go to improve the situation across the financial sector, but promising signs that we’re moving in the right direction, this episode of On The Money looks at how we can maintain the momentum and drive a tangible change in diversity and inclusion across the sector.

👁️‍🗨️ LDV Vision Summit 2021

When: 11 February 2021, 11:00 ET
Access: free
Type: online conference

Premier global gathering in visual tech by LDV Capital goes online to bring to you a mini-summit that showcases the cutting edge in computer vision, machine learning and AI solutions improving the world we live in. Topics discussed are We will discuss: Avatars, Virtual Beings and Synthetic Content Creation; Computational Healthcare; Sensors and Chips; Food and Agriculture; Logistics and Manufacturing; Investing in Businesses Powered by Visual Technologies. Join this free event from the comfort of your couch.

Wearables & Healthcare: Female Founders Stories

When: 11 February 2021, 18:30 GMT
Access: free
Type: webinar

Join WoW for another health tech webinar in which we will discuss Wearables, Healthcare, and the rise of innovations in this space. WoW has brought together five female founders to discuss the latest innovations and trends in this space, and share their business stories. During this webinar, we will cover a range of topics including: Innovative next-generation solutions and products disrupting this space; Building hardware (and software) products — do’s and dont’s; Fundraising and getting investment for hardware products; R&D, product development, prototyping, and manufacturing; Product-market fit and how to find your niche; What kind of support is available for businesses in this space.

🐓 Rise and Design: Digital Design

When: 12 February 2021, 10:00 GMT
Access: free
Type: online session

We don’t always think of software and digital experiences being designed, but they are of course. It’s just a bit harder to see. And after all, we rely on those intangible things to make our lives better, easier and safer, just as much as we rely on physical products. Design Network North will be taking a peek behind the screen, to see just what makes software tick, and some of the thoughts, processes and creativity that makes it work. Speakers include Dan Baird, INFINITY 27, Rachael Cooper, Modular Law.

🤯 Keith Barry’s Virtual Valentines Brainhacking Show

When: 14 February 2021, 21:00 GMT
Access: €27.55
Format: online magic show

There have been some interesting articles written and shows made about magicians going online, and how different the experience (and processes themselves) are to incur WOW experience online versus in person. Well, why not to try some online magic on Valentine’s day?

re:compass is a weekly event navigator for entrepreneurs in the tech industry. Subscribe to receive the guide to your inbox every Friday or join re:compass calendar to have event recommendations right next to your schedule.



Aiste Lehmann

Building implementable structures from chaos of ideas :: Science geek @reevent_me