1 Million Refereum Users | 2018 Year End Review

Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2018

As far as years go, 2018 has been a rocket-start for Refereum. In 2018, we gained over a million users, who streamed for over a million hours and received over a million dollars in rewards.

1,000,000+ Refereum Users, over $1,000,000 in rewards, 1,250,000 hours streamed by Refereum users, and 750,000,000 points earned

We formed powerful partnerships with some of the top dogs in the gaming industry

We teamed up with the biggest and brightest games of 2018 to enhance their gaming experience with Refereum rewards. We started with Fortnite (Epic Games) in January and Battlefield V (EA DICE) in May, and our latest campaigns featured Dying Light: Bad Blood (Techland), Banner Saga (Stoic Games), and HyperDragons (MixMarvel).

We haven’t been resting on our laurels — we’re already lining big partners for 2019 that we can’t wait to announce!

We learned a ton and we built the Growth Engine

After being inundated with mail asking how we grew so rapidly, it sparked an idea to bring together everything we learned into an easy-to-use product: the Growth Engine. It’s gone through many iterations, some not as lovely as others (see below). But in just a few months of rapid iteration, the Growth Engine has helped our crypto and gaming partners hit and exceed their growth goals.

There have several iterations of the Refereum Engine

Early next year, we will release a completely self-service version of the Growth Engine, and we’ll be renaming it to simply the Refereum Engine.

2018 was filled to the brim with fond memories

Rather than go into detail on all the new folks who joined in 2018, we wanted to share our fondest memories from 2018 with all of you.

“Seeing our users get excited about our open Hype Week streaming competitions with EA and Epic has really suck with me. I love seeing people who have been with us from the beginning bring their friends into a community they believe in. Watching them day-to-day become an active part of our Refereum family. It’s an awesome experience.” Sloane Earl, Head of Partnerships

“When 2018 started, Dylan and I only had an idea and a few lines of code. From that simple idea we’ve managed to build the greatest team I’ve ever worked with. We’ve gone from a mere concept to creating an amazing platform with a million users and working with game companies I grew up admiring. The single greatest moment? Seeing the Battlefield Twitter account tweet about the product we’d created.” Alistair Doulin, CTO

The Cube events were awesome to watch unfold. There was some frustration while trying to solve them, however the elation experienced at the end resulted in a plethora of memes demanding more cube!” Cliff Cawley, Engineer

“The team has worked so hard to deliver a product that really solves people’s problems. One of my favorite moments — out of many — is seeing the jaw-drop of a high-profile game developer who instantly understands the value of the Refereum suite of products. Looking forward to more of those moments.” Dylan Jones, Founder and CEO

“Brian, Dylan, and David came to visit the dev team DownUnder (Australia); we had fun times bowling and playing SNES, but most importantly it helped bridge the geographical gap and pull us together as a team.” Dean Timson, Engineer

“My favorite moment of 2018 was seeing Dylan speak at the BUIDL 2018 conference. He did such an amazing job conveying what Refereum does and delivered it in such a strong and memorable way! We need to get Dylan in front of people at all conferences in 2019!David Park, COO

“Frankly, mine’s pretty easy. It was February 26th, when Dylan told me he wanted me to join the Refereum force full-time. Since I discovered Refereum late 2017, my life has been nothing but more exciting every single day, engaging with all those geniuses I’m proud to be able to call colleagues and the lovable community that we’ve all created. Every day I’ve learned something new, and I am so effin’ excited for the future of this company, seriously. The last time I was this excited about something may have been in 2000, when I woke up on a school morning with a PlayStation 2 brought by Belgian Santa and I couldn’t wait to get back home to boot it up. This is what I basically feel like every. single. day. working for this company.” Kenzi De Keyser, Community Manager

“My first month and a half has been great. The local and international team members have already made me feel very welcome. The culture and the team have really helped to motivate and excite me for the future of the company.” Damian Karzon, Engineer

It was a memorable year for all of us on the Refereum team. Let us know in the comments your favorite Refereum memories from 2018.

Thank you for your support in 2018

We are looking forward to helping our community create new memories in 2019. We can’t wait to share everything we’ve been working on with you very soon!

