Introducing Refereum’s Growth Engine: a powerful tool for building communities

Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2018

We’re excited to announce we have launched our newest enterprise product — Refereum’s Growth Engine!

Our Growth Engine is a powerful tool that offers Refereum Enterprise clients the opportunity to grow their community by incentivizing growth and engagement in a meaningful way — such as amplifying content, joining a Telegram group, or making a donation — to help various causes, projects and campaigns.

The Refereum Growth Engine is fueled by RFR utility tokens, and can be used for any game, campaign or project. To learn more, contact us at

We’re launching this product with our first client Brian Forde, candidate for U.S. Congress in California’s 45th Congressional District. See the Growth Engine in action here.

Brian Forde advised President Obama on emerging technologies including blockchain and Bitcoin

Brian Forde has spent most of his career at the intersection of technology, innovation, blockchain, and government. Brian served as a Senior White House Technology Advisor under President Obama where he authored the first-ever White House memo on cryptocurrency and personally briefed President Obama on Bitcoin and blockchain. Brian has been a strong proponent of decentralized applications as he believes they can spur radical innovation to improve the American economy.

“Brian is dedicated to connect with and learn from the blockchain community. We’re excited to work with leaders like Brian, as our first client using the Refereum Growth Engine, and to more generally share ideas and visions that revolve around blockchain.”

- Dylan Jones, CEO Refereum

Brian was named the second most influential person in Bitcoin and Blockchain in 2015 by Coindesk. After working at the White House, Brian was recruited by MIT to teach courses on emerging technologies and head the Digital Currency Initiative at the world-renown MIT Media Lab.

“The truth is, our economy, our privacy, our democracy are all at stake. Change — social, economic, technological — is happening fast, and rather than taking control of our own future, our leaders seem overwhelmed by it. I believe decentralization is critical to hold our government and corporate leaders accountable and provide for a more equitable future — and Blockchain-based applications are our best shot at achieving that.”

- Brian Forde

If you haven’t done so, check out the very first implementation of Refereum’s Growth Engine here!

See the Growth Engine in action!

About Refereum

Refereum is building the world’s leading attribution network on the Ethereum blockchain. Refereum fairly rewards streamers, contributors, and gamers on the blockchain creating a more equitable, decentralized e-commerce ecosystem. Its 800K user community ranks it among the largest crypto project communities in the world. Its customers and partners include some of the world’s leading game developers as well as blockchain projects.

