The Secret Sauce of Joon’s Culture — Things I love about Joon Solutions

Alice Bui
Joon Solutions Global
4 min readMar 26, 2024

If I were a CHO (Chief Happiness Officer), I would recommend Joon’s culture as a good case practice!

If I ever have to look for a new job, I will take Joon’s environment and policy as a benchmark!

And, in my perspective as a Joon’s employee, these are the things Joon Solutions does best.

We have the #1 collaborative environment

People at Joon are sincerely willing to lend a helping hand when you struggle with your task without any judgment or complaints. Whenever I encounter challenges, I know I can rely on the resources available to me. Whether it’s posting my questions in the #technical-qna channel or reaching out to my team leader or teammates in the project Slack channel, there is always someone ready to offer their expertise and support.

There is more to Joon’s community than merely completing tasks and projects. It is a place where individuals genuinely care about each other’s growth. I felt it when everyone cheered me on before the dbt meetup. Knowing that my teammates and colleagues were rooting for my success was incredibly heartwarming. And I swear to you that I am not receiving preferential treatment here — everyone will get the same support and encouragement when needed!

We are all active learners with a knowledge-sharing culture

Sometimes, I see Joon as a football team. Each player has a distinct role in achieving the goal. One player might be a great passer. Another is a great scorer. Yet another may bring a certain intensity and competitive fire. It feels great when teammates’ diverse skills and strengths click together.

The fire in our spirit drives us to continuously improve and adapt to the evolving landscape. We constantly seek to expand our knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and tools.

At Joon, each team member brings unique skills and expertise to the table. We actively engage in discussions, share insights, and support each other’s growth.

  • We have these slack channels to share tiny wisdom:

#cert-prep: Flex certifications we got and share learning tips

#good-reads: Share whatever we read

#tech-tips: Share tech tips

#til: Share: today-I-learned stuff

  • We write blogs and host workshops to share our experiences and the valuable lessons we’ve learned from technical guidance on tools to productivity at work.

We acknowledge others’ contributions to team success

We express our appreciation and recognize the efforts of our teammates through the #kudos channel and Joon points system. It's a wonderful way to celebrate achievements, big or small, and to show gratitude for each person's valuable contributions to the team.

The team values and recognises me whenever my name appears on the channel. And seeing others’ kudos also fuels my drive to excellence.

We are transparent in communication (benefits, company updates, etc.)

Here are the areas we keep transparent and provide detailed information. And I love it!

  • Company revenue situations
  • Company plans, focus, and goals
  • Employees’ benefits

Our company takes communication to the next level by also organizing monthly 1–1 meetings with direct leaders or skip-level meetings. These meetings offer a unique chance for employees to connect directly with leaders and also ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, regardless of their position within the company.

We engage virtually and in person

We have virtual team rallies weekly. It’s the moment when come together to update each other on our work progress, celebrate our achievements, and share our shining lights. The vibe during these rallies is truly engaging!

But it doesn’t stop there. Our in-person engagements take team bonding to a whole new level. Each company trip and team gathering is a mesmerizing experience, filled with unforgettable moments: the karaoke activities, where our shared love for music shines through; the BBQ parties and impromptu lunchies, etc.

The rock climbing activity

We have people with GOAT personalities and vibrant lifestyles

We do a terrific job of attracting talents with common beliefs, interests, and personalities.

Fun fact: Jooners are artists at heart. We can form a band with all the required roles: a drummer, bassist, guitarist, vocalist and, well, rapper!

Jooners has shown a deep understanding of many facets of life. Every time I speak with Jooners, I’m amazed because I constantly discover something new.



Alice Bui
Joon Solutions Global

Analytics Engineer @ Joon Solutions | GDE, dbt, Looker, Airflow Certified