5 Stretching Videos To Ease Your Pandemic-Related Back Pain

Refinery29 UK
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2020

By Sadhbh O’Sullivan

During tumultuous times we learn things about ourselves. They might prompt profound changes in our lives, bring us closer to the people who matter, help us streamline our priorities. On a smaller scale, they might reveal that you really need to start doing the stretching you’ve been avoiding for 27 years, Sadhbh.

No matter your level of activity (from pretty much inactive to regular half marathon runner), stretching is an integral part of keeping us comfortable in our own bodies. It can also be boring and uncomfortable and, especially if you’re inflexible, very demoralising at first.

Lockdown has brought a world of aches and pains to the fore. Bad posture at the office has been exacerbated by a lack of desk or chair; disrupted sleep patterns or increased anxiety mean your body is carrying more tension than ever; if you’re working on the front line, that’s doubled by being on your feet so much of the time.

The search for relief outweighs what may have put you off stretching regularly before. As luck would have it, we’ve done the hard work for you and pulled together a list of stretching and yoga videos that will relieve the tension and aches so many of us feel. You may not be able to visit the physio but there is nothing stopping you stretching at home. Plus, stretching is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it. AND if you’re working from home, you won’t get any of the funny looks you would if you started doing backbends in the office.

So stop making excuses — your back will thank you.

Stretches For Working From Home Back Pain

The key to a good working from home setup is proper support while you sit at your desk/dining room table/edge of your bed for the majority of the day. There are several great stretches you can do throughout the day but if you’re really feeling the strain on your back, it’s worth taking five minutes with this upper back stretch routine. You don’t even have to leave your seat!

Stretches For Stress-Induced Tension

When you undergo a lot of stress or anxiety, it can have physical as well as mental consequences, causing you to tense up, leading to neck and shoulder pain and tension headaches. This soothing video guides you through some moves to alleviate that tension and help your body feel more relaxed.

Stretches For If You’re On Your Feet All Day

Not all of us have been in our homes for the past couple of months. For key workers, going out and being on your feet all day can put a lot of strain on your lower back, as well as your legs and feet. This video takes yoga moves perfect for people who have to be upright all day – and it's relaxing, too.

Stretches For The Relatively Inactive

It can be hard to find ways to be active during lockdown, especially if you’re not someone who enjoys a living room-based workout or a run around the park. While there’s no need to pressure yourself into working out in a way you don’t enjoy (especially for the sake of a mythical lockdown glow-up), a great way to move without actually moving much is by trying some stretches for beginners. You’ll feel accomplished without breaking a sweat.

Stretches For Sleeping Badly

If you’ve found your sleep pattern (understandably) disrupted, all the videos in this slideshow will help in some way. However one of the best solutions for sleeping badly is finding ways to sleep better the next night by relieving any of the knots or sources of tension that could lead to an erratic night of broken sleep.

Originally published at https://www.refinery29.com.



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