What is Refine Medium?

Refine Medium
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2019

Over last few years, especially in the decades of 2000s and 2010s, the trends of video creation, distribution, consumption have undergone a lot of changes. Distinctions b/n Print​ and Digital Media, Video Games and Sports, Pay-Tv and Over-The-Top are blurring as Print Media/Magazines/Newspapers is often available on Google Play, Apple Store etc and some digital works come out in printed version too. Just like Pay-Tv, where a subscriber gives money to tune into his/her favorite TV channels, even Over The Top media is providing the content on television, be it sporting events, movies, serials, news etc. on streaming platforms like Netflix, WWE Network, Hotstar, Amazon Prime etc. Consumers are able to enjoy their favorite programming without subscribing to the traditional cable TV/ TV set up box services comfortably on their handheld tablets, smartphones. Entertainment has become huge part of our life to an extent that it’s a necessity. We just can’t lead our lives without it the same way. After putting our all into our work in schools, colleges, workplaces, business etc. daily from 9 to 5, nothing’s more comforting than our favorite TV show/movie, matches featuring our favorite sportsmen/teams. This is evident in $2 Trillion revenue that Entertainment and Media Industry makes every year. Online and Offline service providers are fighting a battle to earn the control of the industry, to win over the customers and in process, customers are able to get a wide variety of content to choose from. But there’s a question: Is a shift from these Oligopoly media and entertainment platforms/production houses/studios to new-age streaming platforms truly a long term, sustainable, commercially viable option? Are there better options that exist that also reward their customers as a token of appreciation of all the love and support they provide to their content, while maintaining a robust, clear, transparent relationship b/n the customer and service provider?

There’s definitely such a platform that exists, in form of Refine Medium. It’s a decentralized video streaming platform that aims to provide the customers with the best, the most authentic, high quality video content they have. It makes use of Blockchain technology and connects the creators, innovators, customers through smart contracts. It is an incentivized, peer to peer content delivery network. Each part of this network, be it the Creator, Innovator, Moderator, Customer is rewarded by Refine Medium. These payments are made in form of Refine Tokens, the “XRM”, which this platform trusts highly as its own cryptocurrency. This compensation can be used to access more better, premium content, to circulate rewards to different stakeholders of this network, to make any sort of transaction on the platform. Smart contracts will govern the negotiation agreements, payment terms with little to no room for unnecessary, malicious manipulation. In its quest to become a global, decentralized name in entertainment and media industry, it aims to solve issues related to content suitability, Plagiarism, Copyright issues by using a group of people who’ll work as moderators. The videos uploaded on the Refine platform will use the IPFS protocol, which enable files to persist in a distributed network without a central server or control. IPFS is a peer-to-peer protocol where each node stores a collection of hashed files. We at Refine Medium, realize the importance of Perseverance, Diligence, Assiduousness in reaching to the top and employ the same values in their day to day functioning, in order to achieve the immediate missions, and to also work on a roadmap for a vigorous future through state-of-art technology breakthroughs. We aim to provide​ the ultimate user experience, satisfaction through our services.

Refine Rhombus

Refine Rhombus

“The Refine Rhombus” is one of our unique aspects that should be an indication enough that it’s the customers that’s our priority, not their money. Refine Medium is aware of its social responsibilities towards people and aims to fulfill them on a level never achieved before. We aim to inspire people through the content uploaded on our platform. The platform provides a never-ending support to its innovators and creators, encourages them to bring their best ideas, content and inspire the masses with it. Refine Medium has come up with a social video platform that aims to bridge the gap “Human Being” and “Being Human”. It aims to encourage creators to progress upwards in the “Refine Rhombus”.

Our Social Media:

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/refinemedium

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/920842328117616

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/refine.medium

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/refinemedium/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/RefineMedium/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RefineMedium

Telegram (Group): https://t.me/Refine_Medium

Telegram(Channel): https://t.me/refinemedium

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/refinemedium

Medium: https://medium.com/refineupdate

Important Links;

Website: https://www.refinemedium.com

Bounty Program: https://bountyhive.io/join/Refine%20Medium

Whitepaper: http://refinemedium.com/pdf/whitepaper.pdf

Overview: http://refinemedium.com/pdf/overview.pdf

Onepager: http://refinemedium.com/pdf/onepager.pdf

ICO Details: https://medium.com/refineupdate/refine-medium-ico-details-61086e73504d?sk=164e97dd0df92084f1b6aeebe58ff53d

Announcement: https://medium.com/refineupdate/refine-medium-ico-announcement-27eed435b4b3

