Announcing the RFI #AmenTo10 Contest!

Damien Michael Nichols
Reflect Foundation
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2021

Hey RFI Army, RFI Jesus is at it again…


This time we’re looking for the best, most creative, crazy and cool videos about RFI.

RFI is on the road to $100 (and beyond!) and our first stop on the journey is $10. So this contest is all about spreading the message: #AmenTo10!


It can be any kind of video. Be creative!

  • Tik Tok dancing
  • RFI information videos
  • Songs
  • Skits
  • Use your imagination!

🌟 Just make sure to include the phrase “Amen to 10” in the video! 🌟


The contest runs for 5 days — starting Feb 16.

To be eligible:

  • First like and retweet the contest announcement tweet from @ReflectFndtn and @RFIJESUS
  • Then follow @RFIJesus and @ReflctFndtn
  • Post your video on Twitter with the following tags: $RFI #AmenTo10 and #PassiveIncome ⬅️ Make sure to do every tag or we will not find your video.
  • Finally, show off your video to the RFI Telegram (once is enough) at and you’re set!


200 RFI rewarded for each of the 5 best and most creative videos made that day.

5 grand-prizes of 1k a piece will be rewarded at the end of the contest.

Fire up your cameras for your chance to win a share of 10k RFI!

Good luck!



Damien Michael Nichols
Reflect Foundation

Movement Builder. Strategic Philosopher. Open, Authentic Gonzo From The Future. Co-Founder of the Reflect Foundation.