The Weekly Reflection #9

Reflect Foundation
Reflect Foundation
Published in
10 min readMar 1, 2021

February 27, 2021

Welcome to our Weekly Reflection AMA! This is our 9th edition of this, and we feel it’s a great way to bring our community together, stay updated & become aligned with our efforts. Thanks for joining us!

Our main topic today is a DeFi first called The Infinity Pool.

RFI Introduction

Reflect is a global yield generating protocol that seamlessly compounds RFI tokens in users wallets.

Reflect works by applying a 1% fee to each transaction of RFI and instantly splitting that fee among all holders of the RFI token.

This simply means if you hold RFI, you will earn more RFI.

Holders do not need to stake or wait for fees to be delivered. Fees are awarded by the smart contract and are immediately reflected in the holders balance.

We like to refer to our 3 Pillars of $RFI:

Simple — Hold and earn. That’s it.

Safe — No smart contract risk, keep tokens in your own wallet

Sustainable — Deflationary on Growing Network of integrating projects, consistent volume

Progress Update

The Enreach project continues to move toward launch. It seems that the staking contracts are complete, the legal compliance reviews are looking good & we’re expecting to see the sale opened before this time next week if all goes to plan!

As we all know, this is a critical piece of the Reflect Ecosystem that will unlock immense value for RFI token holders, as well as regain some sanity for one of our lead investors and key contributors, @Opt1mizekash.

In all seriousness though, the impact that Enreach will have on RFI can’t be underestimated.

Want sextuple yield? Enreach.

Want to borrow against your RFI? Enreach.

Want to create the RFI Bond? Enreach.

Want to handle market making and arbitrage so we have better control over our trading and token price? Enreach.

What to build a project that will unlock further value and provide utility for RFI? Enreach.

Integration into existing banking/fiat on-ramping required? Enreach.

Growth concept for the Reflect Ecosystem that requires funding? Enreach.

We could go on and on….but this is a very complex project that is YEARS in the making, and we’re lucky enough to have a strong supporter in @Opt1mizekash that has centered this masterpiece around the RFI protocol.

It’s difficult sometimes to explain exactly what Enreach is because there are so many things wrapped up into one….but rest assured, it is HUGE for all of us here & it’s critical to executing on our Amen To 10 goal.

As a reminder, RFI is a 100% community-owned and driven project.

What does this mean?

It means that we have no team, we have no formalized leadership, we have no founders. We have no paid employees.

We only have a group of people who see the vision, have used their own funds to purchase tokens and stake their claim to a portion of the success of the project & who work hard to see it through.

With growth comes the need for additional support. With that said, we are always looking for additional hands and talented people to step up to support the cause.

If you are willing to donate your time and effort, please reach out to me, @s2bomb or @cryptodamo and we can get you moving! Our community volunteer form link is here.

Community Growth

Our Telegram Community members & real wallet holders have remained flat for the week.

It’s interesting to see the waves of new holder growth & then the subsequent periods of stagnation.

Sustained growth is always difficult with project valuations, momentum, etc.

The important takeaway here is that we have multiple upcoming catalysts that should provide our next legs up (Enreach launch, main topic :) )

Real Wallet Holders

Holder Distribution

We’d argue that the distribution of holders here has actually become even healthier week-over-week.

Overall — our growth numbers were weak in the last 7 days.

This is a function of the calendar, a lack of bullish catalysts & investors chasing the next shiny object (see BSC and the 75% of new launches that are rugs).

Fact is, this is a degen market & we’re trying to reach value investors with a project that has real fundamentals. It takes time, effort, energy & a consistent message.

Growth will be in waves, just as the charts above indicate.

This is all very normal & we should expect to see similar price action & growth activity moving forward.

Two weeks ago, the main topic was Mental Fortitude & Perseverance.

These are the times where these attributes come into play, squad. We all want things to rocket to the moon, but spaceships weren’t built in a day. And if they were, they’d burn up and you’d die.

Stay strong, keep the faith, the vision is still intact & we’re working hard to make sure it’s realized.

Thank you for all your support and for staying strong during the “dark times”.


The Reflect Ecosystem has been laser focused on innovation since day 1. We’re at the forefront of DeFi 2.0.

RFI is the first token to generate frictionless yield (read: PASSIVE INCOME) directly to holders’ wallets…in real time…with no extra steps required.

ELE is the first token to generate frictionless yield in an elastic supply token.

Now we’ve gone and revolutionized yield farming with THE INFINITY POOL.

The Infinity Pool is the first of many projects to utilize the Unique and Undeniable Utility of the Reflect Ecosystem.

I hope you like that phrase, because you’re going to be hearing a lot of it in the coming months. I hear often, “Yeah, but what utility does RFI have?”

I will start responding with “I’m glad you asked. I’d love to share the Unique and Undeniable Utility of the Reflect Ecosystem with you”

Back to the Infinity Pool……..

Here are the key attributes of this pool:

✅ Single sided staking, no impermanent loss

✅ Rewards to be claimed are compounding block-by-block

✅ Reward supply is infinite and non-dilutive

Buuu…..buuuu……buuuut……how in the world is this possible?!

For those who have been wondering “what’s the point of ELE, I don’t get it?”.. none of this would have been possible without the ELE token.

So how does ELE make infinite, non-dilutive farming rewards possible?

ELE has unique Inflation and Deflation mechanics which seamlessly deliver sustainable yield to all ELE holders under ANY level of volume.

Every Ethereum block ELE pays its holders.

This payment is based on inflation, with 5 million ELE per year paid out forever.

If you’ve been in DeFi long enough you know to be wary when you see the word inflation, but fret not, something novel about this inflation is that it goes directly and proportionately to holders — just like RFI and ELE’s fee share. So NO ONE gets diluted.

In fact, unless you are providing liquidity in the ETH/ELE pair, you’re actually earning more than your share. Since the ETH/ELE pool is blocked from receiving inflation (and fee share) income, the % of total supply YOU hold is actually *increasing* and *compounding* every single block.

And thanks to .5% of every tx being burned, the supply becomes elastic, shrinking during times of high volume and growing at times of low volume. Both conditions = gains for holders.

This pool follows the ethos of the Reflect Ecosystem — Simple, Safe, Sustainable.

Simple : No adding liquidity, just click a few buttons to send your ELE or RFI to the staking contract. (single sided staking)

Safe : Audited. No risk of Impermanent Loss. 100% Decentralized.

Sustainable : Cannot dilute the supply, while never ceasing to reward those who stake.

This is the Infinity Pool.

It’s not impossible, it’s genius.

You can find out more about ELE mechanics and The Infinity Pool in this medium post by @s2bomb linked → here

AmenTo10 Update

Congrats to all the winners and thanks to everybody who participated in the /AmenTo10 video contest this past week!

It was my pleasure to spend the better part of the week sifting through all your amazing, outrageous and heartfelt videos. I laughed, I cried, I bought the shirt!!

Thank you RFI ARMY! And extra special thanks to @RFIJesus!

With all of crypto getting in to the celebrity craze we thought we’d jump in the mix and kind of turn it on its head with a wink and a nudge — we had SO MUCH fun with our gonzo, interesting, funny, weird and cool celebs, a few of whom are now part of the RFI Army — speaking of, we’ve got a special guest here to announce the grand prize winners of 1000 RFI!

Congrats to the following GRAND PRIZE WINNERS!!!






Community Spotlight

This week we’ve gotta give it up to none other than @daniel_plain_v!

Daniel has been with us since the very beginning. He’s no fool. He knows the power of compound interest. Once he saw what RFI could do and realized the caliber of our growing community he was hooked.

He joined the Mod Squad during #ProofOfLove (along with a bunch of other rock star community members).

Lately, Dan has been stepping up in a big way. He’s extremely active in the organizer channels.

He’s starting to take on utility expansion research. He did a great job this week with the #AmenTo10 contest, and the Cameo campaign was all his idea.

Dan, we’ve been having a ton of fun getting celebs give us sweet shout outs and encouraging our community to generate content for the contest.

We all kinda flipped our shit when the Woz agreed to show us some love lol.

You’re brilliant, dude. And as a token of our appreciation for running this contest and having the brilliant idea to engage with celebs on Cameo, @RFIJesus is gracing you with 1000RFI.

Thank you, bro!

Can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together in the months to come.


Q: Please provide the high level tokenomics of ELE?

A: ELE has unique Inflation and Deflation mechanics which seamlessly deliver sustainable yield to all ELE holders under any level of volume. 0.5% token burn per tx. 0.5% fee share per tx. 5m non-dilutive token inflation per year split evenly across every ETH block. That’s it, in a nutshell.

Q: How does the Infinity Pool not dilute supply?

A: “Since ELE inflates and doesn’t dilute, this pool will do exactly the same since it’s just a pool full of ELE after all.

The pool will only reward the yield and never the principle. This will go on FOREVER.

Make sure to check out the article.

Q: Will the Infinity Pool staking pool contracts be audited?

A: YES! Audits are almost complete.

Q: With the issue that investing in crypto could be dangerous, what about the development of the RFI project. Will the project and the team disturbed by this issue?

A: “The ‘dangerous’ part about crypto is investing in projects that you know nothing about and then they rug on the investors.

RFI and ELE are proven tokens, developed by a person that has proven themselves again and again.

The community and leadership team will continue to keep building the ecosystem with projects and providing education.

As for buying RFI in safety, we are on Dharma which is VERY easy to use.

And we are on the Bitmart CEX, so you can avoid gas fees!

As always, you can buy on Uniswap as well.

One important thing to note…..

The people driving the ship here, myself included, are some of the largest token holders with the most to lose if RFI underperforms. Our incentives are aligned directly with the rest of the community. We are one. We will succeed together & we will make mistakes & learn together.

We want what is best for the project because just like you all, we bought tokens and want to see the value of our investment rise. The leadership group has just taken a more active role in trying to ensure that it actually happens :)

Q: Are there any more CEX listings in the works?

A: We are working on 2 more CEX listings, one of which gives great exposure to our growing South Korean community whilst the other CEX listing is a Tier1 name. The Tier1 CEX listing is subject to legal review of RFI, however, our legal advisors have touched bases with the legal team for the Tier1 CEX.

Q: I get how I can make higher APY with the Infinity Pool, but how does it benefit the network?

A: Great question here! We expect a significant amount of supply for both ELE and RFI will be locked in the staking pools. If you’re a holder, it’s sort of a no-brainer w/ the increased return!

The more tokens are locked in the pool, the greater the supply side crisis we create on the market. This almost always generates a rise in price. So lock those tokens away for a rainy day. Stop staring at the charts and know your holdings are always growing with triple or quadruple yield plus up to triple reward bonuses!

Rewards on rewards on rewards. Limiting supply available on the market.

Recipe for substantial price appreciation. I consider this to be of great benefit to the network :)

Call to Action

#1 — Subscribe to the Weekly Reflection emailing list →

#2 — Follow us on Twitter →

#3 — Join us in our Discord next week for a LIVE voice AMA w/ community chat →



Reflect Foundation
Reflect Foundation

The Reflect Foundation (RF) is a community run organization dedicated to supporting RFI and related technologies.