
Reflect Security Solutions
Reflect Security Solutions
2 min readMay 21, 2022


What is a keylogger?

A keylogger is a tool that can record and report on a computer user’s activity as they interact with a computer. The name is a short version of keystroke logger, and one of the main ways keyloggers keep track of you is by recording what you type as you type it. Someone watching everything you do may sound creepy, and keyloggers are often installed by malicious hackers for nefarious purposes.

At times keyloggers go beyond just logging keystrokes and recording text and snoop in a number of other ways as well. It’s possible for advanced keyloggers to:

  • Log clipboard text, recording information that you cut and paste from other documents
  • Track activities like opening folders, documents, and applications
  • Take and record randomly timed screenshots
  • Request the text value of certain on-screen controls, which can be useful for grabbing passwords

How does a keylogger get on your system?

A keylogger can be either hardware-based (physical) or software-based.

A physical keylogger has to be physically plugged into a computer, and so requires direct access, which is a tricky business often executed via social engineering techniques or a compromised insider.

But the most common type of illicit keylogger is the software variety, and that can best be described as keylogger malware. In fact, keyloggers, because they can harvest such lucrative data, are one of the most common malware payloads delivered by worms, viruses, and trojans.

How to prevent a keylogger?

The way a keylogger gets onto your system is the same way any other type of malware gets onto your system, and that means that if you exercise good cybersecurity hygiene, you should be able to keep keylogger software at bay. To do that, you should:

  • Watching out for phishing emails, and don’t open or download attachments if you’re not absolutely certain where they came from
  • Similarly, don’t download or install applications unless they come from a trusted source. That includes browser navbars, which are a common malware vector.
  • Keep your computer safe with updated antivirus software.

How can we help you?

We at Reflect Security help the organization identify the suitable end-point security products that would reasonably protect your organization from such malware threats. Through our affiliated partners, we provide continued support to handle any unforeseen attack and help you recover at the earliest possible time.

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Reflect Security Solutions
Reflect Security Solutions

Cyber Security evangelists working hard to make small and medium-sized businesses to be cyber safe. We focus on simplified and effective security solution