*A Father’s Hands

Do YOU Remember?

Dawn Ulmer


Photo by the author

Once upon a time, as all true stories begin, I remember walking down our town’s busy street holding my father’s hand.

I must have been four years old in my pig tails, best Sunday dress and black patent and leather shoes. I knew that we were going some place special that day!

Where were we going?

We were off to the mayor’s office to present him with a poppy to honor veterans for Veteran’s Day.

I don’t remember handing the poppy to the mayor but, because a newspaper reporter and photographer were there that day, the event was captured for the world to see.

What no one saw was my Dad protectively holding my hand as we walked to and from the mayor’s office.

As I remember it, Dad would hold my hand whenever we were in situations where there was potential danger. That wasn’t often since we lived in a small town and my life centered around home.

Dad worked hard to care for his family with those hands — so skilled at entering columns of numbers as he detailed the finances of a furniture company. (There were no computers to help with that task in the 1950s.)

When Dad wasn’t working, he was home mowing the lawn, caring for his rose garden and doing all of those home things men do.

For some reason, Dad was given the task of helping me with my homework nightly as I entered school. Oh, those math flash cards were such a difficulty for me as was reading. Dad’s patience won out since I eventually learned to read and to do math!

I specifically remember Dad’s hands when we had fun. He was quite adept at ping pong. Equally skillful, he could help me learn to fly a kite, play catch and, most important to a little girl, playing the game of jacks on the front porch.

What great memories I have of those hands which were comforting, instructing right from wrong, teaching… and full of fun.

The other day as I was reading scripture, I came across the following:

I the Lord have called you in righteousness, and will hold your hand, and will keep you…. Isaiah 42:6

But even so, You love me! You are holding my right hand! You will keep on guiding me all my life with Your wisdom and counsel, and afterwards receive me into the glories of heaven! Psalm 72:23–24

No matter what memories of YOUR father’s hands, please know that GOD holds your hand and keeps you…no matter what!

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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!