A Surprising Day

Dawn Ulmer
2 min readMar 30, 2023


Photography credit: Robin Jonathan-Deutschon Unsplash

With ScareLady and Baggy Carrot

It was the end of the day.

Baggy and Scare, seated in rocking chairs

On their rambling front porch looked back over their day.

It had been a quiet day, filled with common ordinary

Everyday Happenings.

They woke up with the sun.

Brother and sister stretched, glad to be alive.

Baggy was in his cottage,

ScareLady at home in the farmhouse.

After a shower for each — warm for Scare, brisk for Baggy,

They each had a cup of tea

And oatmeal, going over the plan for the day.

Out into the garden they went.

Photography credit: Zane Lee on Unsplash

The flowering trees were magnificent that year,

The aroma heavenly.

Photography credit: the author

They dug in the dirt, getting pleasantly tired

Until lunch time.

That meant a walk down to the river for a picnic.

A red checkered tablecloth was spread

Under the new leaves of a maple tree,

Napping, reading from their favorite books and dozzzzzing with the bees.

All was quiet.

Back home they went to do the afternoon chores,

Preparing some supper

And sitting on the porch to survey their ancestral land

And their day

Often, in Scare and Baggy’s lives, strange twists of Happenstance

well…. Happen

Not today…

NOTHING happened and that was PERFECT!

Silly Art by the author

Thank you for reading!


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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!