Are YOU Exhausted by Medium?

Dawn Ulmer
3 min readAug 16, 2023


Photography credit: Sam Morrison, my son

Do YOU Hear the FIRST Time?

It had been a busy season! As my Medium followers increased, so did my notifications and emails from the subscriptions for which I’d signed up.

Knowing Medium is all about connecting, that made me smile. It did, however, exhaust me trying to keep up with it all. PLUS I needed time to WRITE. I was exhausted! My eyes were suffering from too much use.

A little back story: I’d had cataract eye surgery recently. After healing from that, I had a laser procedure on one eye…instead of resting my eyes and ME, I jumped right back into it all.

Since Medium is all about connecting with others, I thoroughly enjoy every connection! Yet the notifications were such small print. Plus there were so many stories from those with whom I’d subscribed.

All of it threw me into overload. Plus there was NO time to WRITE.

In the midst of being exhausted, I have been enjoying a little song sparrow who sits outside my window, singing his beautiful song. Sometimes it takes me 2–3 of his songs until I realize — HE’S SINGING! Only then do I pause to enjoy the song.

I am concerned that I do the same with God. He speaks to me and I don’t even hear Him until, maybe the third time He speaks more loudly.

Well, this week He spoke more loudly to me in my exhaustion. I didn’t hear Him the first couple of times but yesterday I heard him. I was reading some posts which I LOVE doing and I couldn’t stand to read one more.

I immediately recognized God’s flashing stop light — STOP NOW.

My eyes were exhausted, still healing. My body was exhausted after a four hour outing the day before. Reading others’ posts had lost its pleasant taste and had become dry as ashes.

I put aside all things Medium, turned off the computer and had a good night’s sleep. I thought it would take me weeks to recover.

To my surprise,

just realizing I was TIRED allowed me to STOP and REST.

This morning I was refreshed and ready to go again. In fact, I felt like WRITING this piece. Plus I’m enjoying reading again! In addition, I heard the song bird this morning and I heard him the FIRST time he sang.

…come and listen and let Me teach you the importance of trusting and fearing the Lord. Psalm 34:11

I’m sure many of you have little tricks that you use to keep up with it all plus WRITE. I’d sure like to hear what they are! Most important of all, let’s LISTEN!

Thank you for reading! If you want added or deleted from my list, please let me know.

In addition, you can subscribe so you don’t miss a post.

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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!