Photography credit: Ethan M — Unsplash


From the Adventures of SCARELADY and BAGGY CARROT

Dawn Ulmer
2 min readNov 2, 2022


It was summer.
The days were long and full.

ScareLady knew she could break the habit her brother Baggy Carrot had of being late for EVERYTHING!

Although they lived on Retirement Time,
She thought it was important to be on time
for meals
for doctor’s appointments
for church
for funerals.

No matter what she did to help Baggy be on time, he continued to be late for EVERYTHING.

She found herself nagging him from the top of her bean pole self to her worn gardening shoes.

ScareLady had a plan.
She set a kitchen timer when they would leave for an appointment.


She marched into his man cave in his cottage.
What WAS he doing?
Her eyes drifted toward his clock.
His clock was 10 minutes behind time.
No wonder he was always late!!!

Mystery solved.
Hugs were given all around.
They realized that
Time can be so complex…yet so simple.

Art Credit: Dawn Ulmer



Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!