*Danger! Why Wasn’t I Warned?

Who Knew?

Dawn Ulmer


Photo by Everton Vila-Asah on Unsplash

As young women in the 1960s, we weren’t warned or we weren’t listening.

I wish I’d known…

A young man who comes on too strong from the start could be a danger.

A young man who pushes for a quick marriage is a disaster in the making.

A young man who puts on a religious front could be lying if true godliness isn’t present.

A young man who was overly possessive may have no sense of self.

A young man who flies into rages is not good marriage material.

In those long ago days, young women were NOT taught to beware.

Yet now we have wisdom passed down from those who KNOW….

Yet do young women listen to that wisdom?


It would be wise if young women would protect their precious lives by listening to the wisdom of other women:

Go slowly.

Get to know him.

Meet his family and friends.

Observe how he treats all people AND animals.

Say NO to the pressure to go too quickly into a committed relationship.

Ask your friends and family members what they think — then listen!

Make sure your values align.

Establish honesty between you.

Take the time to enjoy the excitement of the new relationship.

Ascertain that you have similar goals in life.

Make sure that you are treated with respect at all times.

If you are IN a relationship where there are red flags, RUN.

Those marriage vows are forever here on earth and

Forever is a long time!

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

Proverbs 4:23

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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!