The Life of a Watermelon

Delicious Watermelon!

From Planting to Harvest

Dawn Ulmer
5 min readJul 1, 2024


Photo by the author

Fields all around my rural village are planted with corn, potatoes, soybeans and WATERMELON.

I always assumed that watermelon SEEDS were planted in the rows but NO, seedlings are taken from the greenhouses out into the fields as flats.

Photo by the author

Planting the seedlings is back breaking work done by hand in long rows, as far as the eye can see.

Photo by Premier Melon Co., Schoolcraft, Michigan

Each row looks like a miniature greenhouse, with long rows of plastic to keep the weeds down and small hoops to protect the little plants.

Photo by the author

Don’t forget the bees for pollination!

Photo by the author

The sunshine and rain do their work over the growing season resulting in beautiful melons!

Photo by the author

At harvest time, workers hand pick the best watermelon. There is no harvesting machinery for choosing the perfect melons. Only the workers KNOW if they are the correct size, weight and shape.

Photo by the author

Since there are thousands of acres with watermelon crops, it takes many crews and trucks to get the job done.

Photo by the author

Busloads of workers are brought in.

Photo by the author

It’s a long way UP to fill a truckload! I love watching the workers throw the melons from person to person to get them where they need to be.

Photo by the author

Once loaded, they wait….

Photo by the author

Huge semi trucks arrive to take the watermelon away from the fields to a nearby business which handles distribution from their warehouse.

Photo by the author

The trucks then go to the distribution center.

Photo by Premier Melon Co., Schoolcraft, Michigan

The trucks are unloaded by hand into the warehouse onto a conveyor belt.

Photo by Premier Melon Co., Schoolcraft, Michigan

Again the melons are inspected and sorted.

Photo by Premier Melon Co., Schoolcraft, Michigan

Can you imagine the logistics of getting the watermelon into local grocery stores? This is just a portion of a VERY busy room.

Photo by Premier Melon Co., Schoolcraft, Michigan

These pallets outside the warehouse are ready to be loaded and the watermelons be sent to their places in the grocery stores.

Photo by the author

Let’s go back into the fields again!

The critters will enjoy their own picnic with watermelon which were left.

Photo by the author

When the season is over, the black plastic is removed and piled up at the end of the rows. That’s quite a sight! Maybe this year I will discover what they do with all of it because they certainly don’t BURN it!

Photo by the author

When the fields are finally cleared and as the season changes to autumn once again, then it is time to prepare the soil for next season’s planting

Photo by the author

Thank you for coming along to enjoy the process! Is your mouth watering?

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Dawn Ulmer, a retired Registered Nurse, has enjoyed writing since the age of 19 when she wrote ‘My Philosophy of Nursing’. After marrying and becoming a mother, she developed a newsletter for young mothers called ‘Moms and Sidekicks’. She has been a columnist for a women’s newspaper in Grand Rapids, Michigan on the subject of time management. From that column, her first book was written and published: “Balance of the Hurried Woman”. Through the years, she has been published in ‘Decision’ magazine, ‘Our Daily Bread’ devotional and other publications. Presently, she is enjoying writing on Medium, her favorite platform.

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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!