According to the author of the book, “We Are Driven — The Compulsive Behavior America Applauds” by Minirth and Meier, busyness can become a chronic problem…it does not go away unless we deal with the deeper causes. It is also progressive and, over time, the busyness will pick up speed and momentum. It will only get WORSE. That’s scary! WHAT CAN WE DO?
Let’s find out if YOU have a problem with a hurried lifestyle by completing the How Hurried Are YOU? Quiz.

Dawn Ulmer


How Hurried Are YOU Quiz?

Choose the number which most applies to you:

1 Never 2 Sometimes 3 Always

1. Do you rush through your day from project to project?

1 2 3

2. Do you find yourself unable to relax and enjoy a day off?

1 2 3

3. Do you think you don’t have enough time in the day to get everything completed?

1 2 3

4. Does your mind race ahead to think about what you should do next?

1 2 3

5. Does your body feel tense?

1 2 3

6. Do you see yourself as over-committed and with too many areas of responsibility?

1 2 3

7. Do you find you are impatient while you wait in line?

1 2 3

8. Do you try to do more than one thing at a time?

1 2 3

9. Do you find yourself unable to take, relax and enjoy a vacation?

1 2 3

10. Do you find yourself impatient with others who are slower than you are?

1 2 3

11. Are you competitive at work and at recreational pursuits?

1 2 3

Total your score and write the number here: _____

If you scored 11–15 you are doing well. Good job!
If you scored 16–20 be careful! Read on.
If you scored 21–33 you are HURRIED! Read on.

Let the results sink in. Be honest with yourself. Do you have a problem with hurrying through life, not really enjoying it? The beginning of living a more balanced and enjoyable life is to recognize there is a problem. In future writings I will share what I have found to be helpful to be more balanced in my approach to every day living.



Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!