Ice Festival Fun

Dawn Ulmer
Feb 1, 2023


Photography credit: Dawn Ulmer

With ScareLady and Baggy Carrot

Scare and Baggy stood watching

Ice glistening

People, hushed, listening.

As the chain saw roared into action,

Ice chips were flying,

People exclaiming….

As a perfect horse emerged from within.

Horse and carriage trotted by while people shivered, laughing.

Aromas from the chili cook-off arose from the arched white tent.

Photography credit: Dawn Ulmer

Ice glistening majestically

On pedestals they stood.

Seventeen magnificent creations.

Photography credit: Dawn Ulmer

The sun blazed forth,

The ice became more than crystal.

The people sighed,

Knowing the moment would end.

Yet what joy, exquisite joy there had been.

Baggy and Scare walked home.

An idea formed. “Break out the ice cube tray,“ shouted Baggy,
“And bring me your nail file!”

Art work: Dawn Ulmer



Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!