
Dawn Ulmer
3 min readJul 15, 2024


Can YOU Do It?

Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

When storms are headed toward my area in the Midwest, I am like a human weather vane.

Sometimes I feel a small twinge of discomfort somewhere in my body, other times it is full fledged PAIN. How I handle it is key!

Will I begin thrashing around, rebelling at how I am feeling or will I patiently endure it, doing what I am able to decrease the discomfort?

Approximately 10 years ago I suffered from sepsis due to an undetected infection within my body. An antibiotic was given which, unknown to me at the time, caused nerve damage, especially in my legs and feet.

Thus, when a storm is on its way toward my area, I KNOW it because the pain I experience is sharp, almost like spasms.

Each time I would feel that familiar pain, I had to decide — was the pain strong enough to take some medication for it? Or could I ride it out, knowing that the storm would be upon us or that it had passed and the pain would disappear.

During those painful times, I think of all of those who suffer pain CONSTANTLY. I know that any pain I will experience will go away, their pain won’t. Day and night they live with pain!

Pain, as we know, can be physical but it can also be emotional pain that torments us every waking hour.

If we experience physical pain, we can take medication to bring it under control.

If we experience emotional pain, it may not we the wisest choice to ‘medicate’ it but it would be wisest to get to the root of the issue. Perhaps one could see a counselor, find books to help with the issue or take classes to bring the pain under control.

It is easier when we know that the pain will decrease and be gone soon.

Some pain, however, may not leave but linger. Thus, if the physical or emotional pain threaten to go on and on, never letting up or stopping, THAT is where longsuffering is needed.

What is longsuffering and how do we exhibit it?

We can easily endure suffering that is of short duration. It passes and we go on.

Longsuffering means that the suffering goes ‘long’. Scripture says:
…but be ready to suffer quietly and patiently. Colossians 3:12

Is a person weak who exhibits patience in their longsuffering?

NO — a person who is long-suffering is not weak or meek. Instead, he/she is strong in character and bold in resisting rash reactions.

How can we obtain longsuffering?

Since God is a god who is extremely longsuffering, we can go to HIM! He wants us to be like Him. He, by His Spirit, can give us the ability to be longsuffering (Galatians 5:22) and give us what we need every painful minute we must endure.

Thus, my prayer for YOU is:

That you will be filled with his mighty, glorious strength so that you can keep going no matter what happens — always full of the joy of the Lord, 12 and always thankful to the Father who has made us fit to share all the wonderful things that belong to those who live in the Kingdom of light.Col 1:11–12

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Dawn Ulmer, a retired Registered Nurse, has enjoyed writing since the age of 19 when she wrote ‘My Philosophy of Nursing’. Presently, she is enjoying writing on Medium, her favorite platform.

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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!