Medium Publications Frustrations

Dawn Ulmer
5 min readSep 13, 2023


Photography credit: Amador Loureiro — Unsplash

Can We Avoid Them?

I don’t know about you but I’m a firm believer in Medium’s vast array of publications!

When we are new on Medium, we get busy writing and figuring out how it all works.

Once we realize that Medium is all about writing, posting AND connecting with other writers, then we begin looking around for ‘what else’.

It is then that we discover the world of publications! The variety is endless, it seems. How do we choose?

I like to start with the largest publication (I won’t name names) and then I branch off into others and some which may just be starting out. It’s fun!

I have, however, since beginning to write on Medium, found a couple of issues I’ve needed to resolve.

1. The Black Hole

Have you ever experienced that?
You submit a well crafted piece over which you sweat great drops of writer’s tears — outwardly or inwardly — and you click that button to submit to the publication of your choosing.

Then nothing….

You look throughout the day to see if your piece was published yet….holding your breath…disrupting your work flow….and still nothing….

I usually give the publication 24 hours to respond. Then, if I’ve heard nothing, I assume it was NOT accepted. Thus, I submit to another publication but, in one particular case, I chose to submit it to MY OWN PUBLICATION and moved onward.

What do YOU do if you don’t hear from a publication?
How long do you wait before you choose another option?

PS In one instance, when all was silent with a publications where I’d submitted it, I discovered that the editor NEVER received it. She was traveling internationally and…. I’m so glad that I’d moved on quietly, publishing it myself, staying in contact with the editor.

My next piece submitted to her was quickly accepted as was normally the case. I’m glad she’s back and we can enjoy the reciprocal friendship that Medium provides.

We don’t want to assume…and then blow up a relationship!

2. The Punctuation Police

THIS one was frustrating!

I’d written a piece carefully, always proofreading for typos AND punctuation. In my eyes, the article was good to go.

I was notified that there were 50,000 notes attached to my article (yes, I exaggerate). When I looked at each note, I realized that she and I punctuate differently. So I did my research. Maybe I was doing it all wrong!

For example, when I write out a list of items, I write something that looks like this: milk, butter and cheese. Right?

This particular editor expected this: milk, butter, and cheese.

Yes, she used a comma before ‘and’ which I think is NOT necessary. Of course, I went to the source of all information (exaggerated again) and found that either way was CORRECT.

I pondered what to do??? I wanted my piece published but I was NOT willing to change my piece into something which I didn’t like or want. My thought was that the comma means ‘and’ so why say milk, cheese and and butter? Nope, wasn’t going to happen.

I had two choices: change it to fit HER preferences OR quietly withdraw the piece and publish it elsewhere or in my own publication. I chose to not make an issue with her about it and published it in my own publication.

What would YOU have done???

3. Drastic Distortions

This one had smoke coming out my ears: I had submitted a piece which I had spent a great deal of time researching, writing, re-writing, proofing and proofing again. Then I inserted photos to break up the text. The photos were carefully chosen and documented as to the source.

Off to a publication it went. It was accepted quickly, I breathed a sigh of thankfulness and went on about my day.

Later that evening, I opened the article to show my son and, to my HORROR (no exaggeration), I found that ALL of my photos had been deleted AND the introductory photo was changed totally — it was a photo I’d never seen before and alluded to a political belief that I did NOT want to be highlighted there.

She also had removed all of my tags letting various individuals know that a new piece was awaiting them to read. WHAT?!!!

There were NO notes from the editor about any of it, she just published it. I would NEVER HAVE KNOWN of her changes if I’d not opened it for my son.

I quickly edited the article. The photos were again added as were the tagged names.

What would YOU have done?

I did keep my article in the same publication, just making changes back to my original. I don’t know if we are allowed to do that once an article is accepted by a publication???? I did it, though, and figured that if it is a problem, the editor will let me know. If it is a problem, I will quietly withdraw the article and publish it myself.

Since I try to base my life on scripture, when I read:

“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men/women”. Romans 12:18

Thus, in each situation when conflict arose, I tried to remedy the situation as peacefully as I was able.

Thus, this article was born.

I think I’m going to publish this one myself!!!

Thank you for taking your precious time to read this!

I’d appreciate your feedback on any problems you encountered and how you resolved them.

If you would like to be added or deleted from my list, please let me know. If you don’t want to miss anything that I’ve written, please subscribe.

Julie KingGood Sharon Meyers, Ed.D. Nikita Rayne Johnson Susie Winfield Lu Skerdoo Paula Thomas Helen Gilmore Rosa Diaz-Casal Vicky Hughes Lori Motto Dixie Dodd Dixie Dodd J.M. Troppello Frances A. Chiu Britt H. Trisha Faye Cheryl Wilding Grace Bianco Jenny Calvert Elizabeth Clark Adele Arbi Gerald Washington ImoThoughts Emily jones Your NativeFriend Piotrmak Marko JR Lightstein Cheryl Watson Cheri Read Jan Sebastian 🖐👩‍🦰 Davidhollis Julia A. Keirns Kate's 1-Minute Christian Devotionals Anna Svetlik De La Rosa Gurpreet Dhariwal John Blackwell Autistic Widower ("AJ") Julie Ranson Chris Raymond Mary McGrath Nanette Schieron Annie Wegner



Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!