Life Lesson

My Yes Mess

Dawn Ulmer
4 min readSep 23, 2024


Have You Ever Had One?

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Once upon a time, as all true stories begin, I owned my own business.

I had always loved hand sewing so when I stopped working as a nurse for an insurance company, I saw an advertisement for a millinery business for sale.

If you don’t know what millinery is, it is all about creating HATS. In this case, it was hat making on a wonderful scale — little hats for church ladies, or fancy cocktail hats and, what I was interested in doing —

Creating bridal hats and veils

After intense prayer about it, I decided that this was something that God was leading me to do, so I said YES, called the owner, and agreed to meet with her in her home where she created beautiful works of art.

I was very intimidated by the lady and her basement full of feathers, Russian veiling, hat frames, bridal veiling, fabric, and silk flowers. For some of the items, I could only imagine how they could be used. They were that mysterious to me!

The owner agreed to sell her business to me and set aside six weeks to teach me all she knew. She was ready to retire after being in business for many years.

Thus began my education in the millinery business. I planned to convert everything over to BRIDAL veils and hats adding bridesmaid’s headpieces.

Training went well and I grew to admire the previous owner. I still sensed that God was saying YES.

When it was time to move everything from the owner’s basement to my own home, I loaded up my car and headed home, unloading everything into my dining room.

That room was FULL

As I looked around, I had this sinking sensation of


Since I knew that this was what God had planned, I began setting up shop in my dining room, where I would see customers.

A beautiful oak full-length mirror was obtained so that the bride could see herself from head to toe. I had huge custom-made shelving units to hold my supplies — all at my fingertips, ready for my first customer.

For the next ten years, I made hundreds of veils and hats.

I had asked God if I should do this, He said YES and now He was saying YES year after year. I was even asked to create a special bridal hat for a friend of mine.

Photo courtesy of Ed and Deb Halcomb, my friend and customer

I knew that I had a product that was needed. I could make a veil or hat, charging less than the hundreds of dollars charged in the local bridal shops, yet I could still make a profit.

After a few years, a friend informed me that she was opening a vintage bridal room in a huge house that contained her antique business. She thought it would be a fun idea to have me come in during certain hours and be available to talk with brides and create custom veils and hats for those buying vintage bridal gowns.

What a wonderful idea, I thought!!!

I said YES.

This was where my YES MESS began

I hadn’t bothered asking God what HE thought about the idea. I just went ahead with it, moving some supplies into the lovely room that had tall ceilings and vintage fixtures and was filled with lovely dresses.

At home, I was used to seeing customers by appointment so no time was ever wasted sitting around waiting for a customer. In this new situation, I continued to see customers at my home but now spent hours sitting in a room with NO activity.

I began to realize that I hadn’t asked God if I should step into this endeavor!

I just assumed it was the next logical step.

I had made a mistake! A BIG one

How did He get me out of the Yes Mess I’d created for myself?

One day some friends and I went out into the fields and pond areas where wildflowers bloomed. I can remember reaching down and touching those precious blooms.

Within a few days, I had a full -blown case of poison ivy with a rash covering both hands. I knew from experience that it would be a few months before the disaster would clear up.

It was time to STOP trying to create hats and veils in the bridal room. It was time for me to go home, heal up and continue to see customers by appointment. I could then again use my healed hands to sew endlessly which I LOVED.

The lesson

If any of you lacks wisdom [to guide him through a decision or circumstance], he is to ask of [our benevolent] God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him. James 1:5, AMP

Lesson learned: It is always wise NOT to assume a direction in which I should go without consciously and deliberately asking God about His best choice for me!

God’s still, small voice may speak to my heart in the matter, another person may give me wise counsel or there may be a Word from scripture to provide clear direction. He speaks in many ways!

My part is to STOP and LISTEN

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Dawn Ulmer, a retired Registered Nurse, has enjoyed writing since the age of 19 when she wrote ‘My Philosophy of Nursing’. Presently, she is enjoying writing on Medium, her favorite platform.

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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!