*Neighbor Droppings

What are They?

Dawn Ulmer


Photo by the author

My son lives in a delightful apartment on a lake. He can walk right out his door into this delightful view.

Of course, being in an apartment means that he would have neighbors. Some are above his head with a handy balcony to enjoy the view.

Photo by S.M.

Neighbor Droppings would be those items which are dropped or blown off the balcony.

They are a wonderful humorous part of any day.

Since I can’t make sense of it all, I will just do this alphabetically.

Photo by S.M.

I’m sure Neighbor thought the flag was secure on his second story balcony but Wind has its own ideas.

I hope Neighbor knew the proper procedure if a flag touched the ground!

Photo by S.M.

It’s not every day when one sees a baking pan flying. Maybe the potted plant in the background was used to anchor it.

Well, that didn’t work.

Photo by S.M.

Bathroom mats seem a normal kind of thing to hang over the balcony.

Photo by S.M.

I hope nothing important was missing a battery. That could have been difficult to find in the grass…ever.

Photo by S.M.

Maybe there was some BBQ grill cleaning going on.

Photo by S.M.

Ah, now we’re talking. Neighbor likes golfing!

Photo by S.M.

He must have even been good enough to earn a trophy. Oops, flying it went!

Photo by S.M.

Maybe Neighbor needs to be introduced to Tupperware®? Or he needs a real Frisbee™?

Photo by S.M.

I certainly hope that lighter is to light candles!

Photo by S.M.

I don’t have a clue why there is a rectangle cut in this paper plate. Maybe I don’t want to know!

Photo by S.M.

YES, something ‘normal’ falling from the balcony. FLOWERS!

Photo by S.M.

I don’t have a clue….do you? If it is a candle? Well, that’s out of alphabetical order.

Photo by S.M.

Of course, towels hung out to dry, can fall in all seasons!

Photo by S.M.
Photo by S.M.

Well, I hope he is safe OR he is letting his fishing waders dry out. I hope it is the latter!

Photo by S.M.

It’s always a pleasure to see a more ‘normal’ item falling from the sky. This means Neighbor’s flowers are thought of and watered!

Today is a new day — always an exciting day to see what falls from the skies. My son is watching! I’m watching HIM watch. Then we giggle together over it all. As of this writing, THREE items fell just in this one day. I may need to write a Part II.

PS the latest TODAY is that Neighbor called down from above to another neighbor, asking her to find his screwdriver which he had dropped. Then she was to throw it up to him. Mission accomplished, I hear.

Thank you for enjoying some silliness for this first day of April!

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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!