Writers — Have You Brought Your Type A Personality to the Page?

Please consider….

Dawn Ulmer


Photo by https://unsplash.com/photos/black-bird-on-black-wire-during-daytime-vfJPtNFGfVs

Do it more quickly!
Do it better than anyone else!
Do more!

We’ve all seen them…or maybe WE are them!

I began writing on Medium in April 2022. It’s been almost two years!

When I began, I was so excited about having a platform where I could share my writing, I posted every weekday for that first year.

At the second-year mark, I decided no one needed or probably wanted to hear from me every single day.

Thus, I wrote and posted at a more sane pace of twice a week and have done that for this past year.

Looking back now, I realize that I had brought my Type A Personality to everything I did including Medium.

Type A Personalities were made for this society which is filled to overflowing with the hurry, rush, dash, do it more quickly, do it better than anyone else and do more!

Think about it —

Do you bring your Type A personality to YOUR writing…



Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!