Stop Defaulting To Seeking Promotion

Add More Value, Upgrade Your Skills, And Promote Yourself

Life Hacks for Business


At times we can get so preoccupied with seeking the next big promotion, we want a better title, status, reward or things. We do this without increasing our own value and investing in ourselves.

There is nothing wrong with aspiring, and seeking a better position or quality of life, but where you currently are, look to grow first and promotion can follow.

Employees want to know how to become a Junior Manager or Director, but their focus is wrong.

Increase your value and you will not need to focus on titles and positions.

You need to challenge yourself to be better at what you are currently doing first, your personal growth is much more important than a title because it is lasting.

Nobody can take away what you learn, your skills and talents, but if somebody gave you a title, I guarantee that they can take it away.

If you are constantly developing yourself, in time, the right opportunities for promotion will come, but never chase them.

I would always find myself in situations where I could speak and advise people with much more experience and greater status than me. But, simply because I am dedicated to constant growth and lifelong learning, these circumstances never throw me off.

It can be intimidating, but opportunity favours the prepared, and sometimes you may not need to be in a certain position, especially, when you can influence decision makers.

Lastly, smart people respect those who can get results, and have answers, irrespective of their accolades and rank.

One thing I have learnt is that nothing is owed to me. I have to be grateful and content with what I have. There are gifts and abilities within each of us that can be developed, to contribute to the lives of others.

Another thing I learnt at a young age is to watch whom I seek validation from, the same people that can bring you up, when you overvalue what they can do and undervalue yourself, can bring you back down.

  1. Value your art or craft.
  2. Commit to it, and be excellent.
  3. Respect yourself: do not overestimate what others can do, and underestimate what you can do, and others will see your value.

Be seen as somebody that adds value or can contribute to a companies bottom line, because people value problem solvers.

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Life Hacks for Business

I help people get noticed for their work. People person, marketer, strategy. I write about everything from Business & Marketing to Society & Ancient History.