The History of Indian Art (Ancient Era -Part 1)


Bhimbetka Rock Shelter
Bhimbetka Rock Shelter

India is very rich in art and culture from the ancient era. It is the only Asian culture that was explored by ancient Romans and Greeks for its mysterious pieces of art. But in our case study, the Indian art epitomizes the entire art form of Indian Subcontinent(India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, some parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan) and the religions of these places had a great influence on it.

Indian art can be divided into four categories on the basis of its age- Ancient Era, Medieval Art and Architecture, Early Modern Art and Modern Art. In this blog, some early art forms of ancient era are discussed.

Art of Ancient Era

The very early form of Indian art is Rock Art. Most of these rock arts are present in central India, around the Vindhya mountain range. Dr. VS Wakankar discovered them. Bhimbetka Rock Shelters are the most famous sites among all and UNESCO has considered it as World Heritage Site. The age of the first rock painting discovered here is almost 10,000 years old. Basically these rock paintings describes the daily life styles of the humans of that age i.e. hunt, animals etc. The fascinating feature about these paintings is that a reddish material named 'geru' is used to draw these. Actually ‘geru’ is a form of iron which is oxidized and becomes red in color.



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