Telegram as THE chat app and potential Slack competitor

Jason Jurotich
15 min readMay 29, 2016


There are many articles already available about this messaging system, but I wanted to offer something more complete and convincing to try and motivate others to change from Whatsapp and Slack, which is no small feat.

First, let’s run through its present list of options (up to July 2021).

Main Options

Security. Telegram is famous for being secure, offering thousands of dollars (similar to what Google does for Chrome OS) for being able to hack it. So go ahead and try, but I’m fairly sure you won’t see my messages. You can even put a password on the app in your phone, or unlock with your biometric security, keeping prying eyes at bay. Just go to settings > Privacy and Security.

Not only that, but Telegram also has a Two-Step Verification option to install it on other devices, so even if someone tries to hack your account, they would still need the extra password to get in.

You can also hide your number if you don’t want users to see it.

Transparent. You can see all of Telegrams code on GitHub:

Free. Telegram will remain free. The founders did mention that if they end up in a pickle some day they would just offer extra options as a “pay in app” type of system…



Jason Jurotich

Masters in Philosophy, Author, Professor, Consultant, Tech Promoter and Programming Novice.