Reflections | Projections 2018: Meet the Directors!

Rohin Bhasin
Reflections | Projections
4 min readApr 25, 2018

Q: Hi Nikhil, Vidushi! Glad to be here with you today. Before we get started, can you give me some background about you guys? What year are you, how long have you been with the Reflections|Projections team, and what brought you to the role that you’re in today?

Vidushi: I’m Vidushi Rai, I’m a junior in Computer Science with a minor in Business. I joined R|P accidentally. Last year’s director, Shivali Patel, saw me hanging out in Siebel on a Tuesday night and physically dragged me into the R|P meeting proclaiming that I am now on staff. I admit, I was skeptical at first but glad it worked out in the end.

Nikhil: Hi, I’m Nikhil Modak and I’m a sophomore in CS. Last spring, a group of my friends and I wanted to get involved in the community, so we joined the Outreach & Branding committee on Reflections|Projections. I initially joined just to spend time with friends and do something, but I wanted a bigger role, so here I am!

Q: What is Reflections|Projections and what is its place at UIUC?

Nikhil: Reflections|Projections is a tech conference with the goal of connecting the student community to the tech industry. We want to show students all the cool stuff that’s out there, and really help them get their foot in the door. UIUC is obviously renowned for its academic stance, but what really completes the experience is the abundance of opportunities and events available here — events like R|P are what truly foster intellectual curiosity in the student community.

Vidushi: Moreover, R|P is our chance, as a student community, to bring the tech industry to us. What’s great about R|P is that it’s holistic: not only does it provide access to upcoming and established companies but it also introduces you to influential people and ideas that are making waves all over the world.

Nikhil: Something about the CS industry that’s both a blessing and a curse is the fact that there’s so much out there. It’s great because there’s a ton of stuff for people to get involved in. At the same time, though, it can be really intimidating to start. That’s what R|P aims to address — we want to make the entire industry more accessible to the talent in the community.

Vidushi: Furthermore, you get to see the reach of CS as a whole — the field isn’t just about writing code behind a computer, people love the major and industry because you can make a real impact with it. R|P is an opportunity to pay tribute to all the unique, interesting applications of CS that you don’t usually see in your classes. Your curriculum may limit you, but R|P will set you free.

Q: What makes R|P unique?

Vidushi: What truly makes R|P unique is that it’s entirely student run, and it’s a tradition that’s continued for almost 25 years. The coolest part is that students come and go every 4 years, but the knowledge base, dedication, and commitment to making R|P the best that it can be is everlasting.

Nikhil: With two career fairs, tons of workshops, amazing speakers, Mechmania (our annual AI hackathon), and PuzzleBang (a puzzle contest), R|P is a melting pot that is constantly changing and is, in a way, just as dynamic as the industry it reflects. It’s free to be a place where new ideas can be brought in, and a place where you can talk to speakers, creators, and influencers, and be inspired by them. And that is what sets R|P apart!

Q: What’s your favorite part of Reflections|Projections?

Vidushi: My favorite part is the chance to connect with speakers one on one. It converts them from famous personalities to regular approachable human beings. It’s an opportunity that’s rare yet accessible to attendees and staff alike.

Nikhil: I would say my favorite part about R|P is the general casual vibe of the event. R|P really lessens the intimidation associated with career fairs and conferences and has a fun, chill atmosphere.

Q: What’s your favorite part of being part of R|P staff?

Vidushi: It’s great to see how so many different people from different places and backgrounds come together to work towards one goal. They’re all like gears with different sizes, different shapes, different numbers of teeth… and yet, they all fit and work together. Moreover, it’s amazing to see how these people slowly become one big family.

Nikhil: I agree with a lot of what Vidushi has said, and I think another one of my favorite things is meeting people who have the same drive and passion to help the student community that we do. It’s inspiring and encouraging just to see how many people have the same vision as us: it’s as much our conference as it is the rest of the staff’s.

Stay tuned to hear more about R|P… be sure to follow and like on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! We’ll see you from September 17–22, 2018.

Rohin Bhasin, CS @ Illinois ’21. Special thanks to Ema Milojkovic for editing and Nikhil & Vidushi for being a part of it!



Rohin Bhasin
Reflections | Projections

CS @ Illinois student and software engineer interested in education, tech, startups, and building scalable, powerful software that can change the world.