If you could be any superhero for a day, who would you be?

Jakob Brøgger-Mikkelsen
2 min readJun 6, 2018


No matter what fictional character you’d pick for a day, the reflection of who it WOULD be can always tell you something about the virtues and values that you hold dear. Or, the adventure that seems like it might be enticing and exciting. Did the super hero that come to mind play on the shows you grew up watching, or maybe the movies that came out recently?

Role models, superheros, fictional characters…they’re all often written with extreme characterization. The best of the heroes are emphasized, and the worst of the villains are emphasized. So when we pick a superhero, we’re often picking what we admire.

As much as you surely want to be that hero for a day — whether it’s wonder woman or someONE else entirely — there are ways to take what you admire about those superheroes and bring the power of that good into your own life. Right here. Today. For example, if wonder woman was the person you’d choose, because of her striking power, her vocalized opinions, and her truth-seering lasso, then ask yourself how you could apply that to your own life. Ask yourself, what would wonder woman do — or what would YOUR superhero do? It’s a great way to apply truly super hero qualities into your day to day life.

Wonder woman, for example, wouldn’t go along with something that doesn’t sit right with her. AND, she’d be vocal about it. You can use this same inspiration to do the same in your own life. So try it with me now, consider which superhero you chose in your reflection to be for a day. Now, I want you to mentally think about 2 qualities you really really like about that superhero. Is it their courage? Is it their opinions? Is it their strength? Do you have both of them in your head? Great.

Now, I want you to consider one way you can make that quality you admire and turn it into an action in your own life. Maybe you look up to a bold superhero so you’re going to boldly state your opinion. Or maybe you look up to a highly-empathetic super hero so you’re going to take more care of others who can’t take care of themselves. Whatever it is, this one action can help you channel your admiration into good.

