When was the last time you told someone that you appreciate them?

Jakob Brøgger-Mikkelsen
3 min readJun 6, 2018


Do you feel like you tell people you appreciate them often. Or hardly at all? It something that we can all often take for granted, especially with the people we love and appreciate the most. Sometimes this happens because we’re around them all of the time. Sometimes it’s because we think they SURELY know how we feel about them. Or sometimes it’s just because we don’t really know or feel comfortable saying it, because it’s personal.

Appreciation is one of the most powerful tools you have in your life, both for yourself and your own outlook, and in building deep relationships that matter. If you’ve ever felt like you’re surrounded like more negativity than you’d like, maybe people re down at work, or in class, or in your home, or in your friend circle, appreciation is a tool that can change that.

You know what they say, what they focus on grows. And so, if you want more positive emotions amongst the people you care about, then you need to show your appreciation and your focus. Emotions can be contagious. They’re known as emotional contagions and it’s the idea that moods and attitudes can spread amongst groups of people. So why not spread the good ones? Why not spread more cheer and positivity. If you want to be your group’s on personal cheerleader (because we all need some more cheer), appreciation is an incredible tool to start.

Appreciation doesn’t have to be going around saying I appreciate you after every conversation or social interaction. We both know that probably wouldn’t feel too genuine. But you can make a very concerted effort to be both intentional and specific with your appreciation. The best appreciation tells someone not only that their valued, but WHY. People hold on to your appreciation when they understand why exactly you feel that way.

It looks something like this. If you’re really grateful for how wonderful of a friend you have, the next time they do something that really matters to you — like say remembering to wish you good luck before that big test — then thank them. And tell them you appreciate their friendship and their thoughtfulness in remembering the moments big and small. It’s communicates your appreciation and give specific feedback as to why. When you focus on your appreciation, your appreciation will indeed grow.

And so will other things! Researchers find that this regular practice of appreciation in your life does all kinds of good things. It has been shown to reduce stress, create higher engagement at work, increase motivation and provide higher levels of satisfaction.

So pick one person today who could benefit from hearing your appreciation. Tell them. And tell them why. The great gift of appreciation is that you’ll both be feeling positive. And hey, while we’re here, you should know that we really appreciate YOU too.

