Enjoy Your Day at Sweetheart Circle

Reflector Magazine
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2015

Sweetheart Circle might be one of Georgia Southern University’s best kept secret. Beautiful, sunny days are primetime days to go out to Sweetheart Circle and relax and enjoy the day. Students go to Sweetheart Circle to do all types of activities from studying to painting.

Why do you go to Sweetheart Circle?

“To enjoy the sunlight and it’s a beautiful location on campus. I think it’s probably the most underrated spot to be in Statesboro. I bike here from my house because I live really close,” said Amanda Ryan, a graduate student exercise physiology major.


“There are plenty of trees [to slackline] so if I want to set up a long line or really high line this is a really good spot to do so. Sometimes I race my bike around Sweetheart Circle,” said Luke Jurewicz, a computer science and information technology major.


“I come here to relax and study and be outside,” said Bailey Adkins, a freshman international studies major.


“It’s really nice out. I feel like it’s better than being cooped out in my room,” said Giselle Martinez, a graphic design major.

“I like to bring my dog out here. She loves it and she likes seeing people. It’s just really relaxing. It’s an easy environment to get stuff done,” said Jenn Charron, a junior business marketing and logistics major.

“We just decided it was a pretty day and why like study inside when you can just come out here. The grass is green enough and it’s sunny and pretty. It’s easier to get stuff done when you’re enjoying yourself and not cooped up in the library” said Casey Wiltey, an early childhood education sophomore major.

Students use Sweetheart Circle for many different reasons. Next time you’re looking to relax, try switching it up and heading out to Sweetheart Circle for the day.

