Is Manual Testing Obsolete Now that Automated Testing has Taken Place?

Shanaka Fernando
Reflex Media
Published in
7 min readDec 28, 2022

To answer that question, we must thoroughly understand the difference between manual and automated testing.

Software testing is an integral part of the development process to ensure the quality and performance of a software product. Manual and automated software testing are two common approaches to evaluating a system’s functionality, reliability, and performance.

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In this article, we will discuss the differences between manual and automated software testing to help development teams decide when to choose the most suitable method for their project.

What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing is a process used to test software for defects or errors. It is the most basic form of software testing, wherein the tester manually executes test cases without using any automation tools. Manual testing requires a thorough understanding of the application and its environment to accurately validate the software’s quality.

The benefits of manual testing are numerous; it helps ensure that all requirements are met, allows faster detection and diagnosis of problems, provides more accurate results than automated tests, and allows testers to use their creative skills when exploring different scenarios.

Additionally, since manual tests can be conducted independently from other tests, they can be easily customized per customer needs or requirements. Moreover, it allows testers to reproduce issues that might otherwise be difficult to replicate with automated tools.

What is Automated Testing?

Automated testing is a form of software testing that relies on automation scripts to validate an application’s functionality, accuracy, and performance. It uses tools and scripts to automate the process of conducting tests and collecting results. Automated testing increases speed and accuracy by automating test execution without manual intervention from testers or developers. This allows teams to focus on developing new features while ensuring existing functionality is not affected.

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The main benefit of automated testing is the ability to execute tests quickly and accurately with little human intervention. Tests can be repeated much faster than manual testing, allowing developers to make changes quickly and easily without manually re-testing each time.

Automated tests are also less prone to errors due to human factors like fatigue or distraction. Additionally, automated tests can provide more detailed reports on a product’s performance, allowing developers to identify potential problem areas early in the development cycle.

Why is Manual Testing Important over Automated Testing?

Manual testing has been around for decades, but it’s still an essential part of any software development process. Manual testing complements automated testing by adding a necessary human element to the overall process. An experienced tester can find bugs that automated tests might miss and can be essential in assessing the overall usability of a piece of software.

When used in conjunction with automated tests, manual testing provides complete coverage and offers valuable insights into how users interact with the software. With manual tests, testers can use their experience and intuition to quickly identify issues before they become significant problems once released to the production environments.

The combination of manual and automated testing ensures that no potential flaws or vulnerabilities go unnoticed during the QA process.

When to Use Manual Testing?

Manual testing can be time-consuming and may require more resources than test automation. However, it can be more effective at finding bugs in some specific areas. For instance, manual testing is highly effective when validating an application’s “Usability” aspects. It’s almost impossible to automate the core usability principles.

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Manual testers can also use their intuition and experience to spot potential visual issues that might be missed by an automated tool. For example, if a button is misaligned on a page, an automated functional test might not catch that. However, a human tester would likely notice this and report it.

When to Use Automated Testing?

Automated testing is integral to agile processes because it allows teams to validate changes quickly and ensure the code meets the desired quality standards. Automated testing also gives developers a better understanding of how their code interacts with the existing system and provides insight into any areas that need improvement.

For example, unit tests can be used as soon as possible after writing new code, while integration tests may come into play during system-level testing or at other checkpoints. Automation also helps teams save time by automating repetitive tasks such as regression, smoke tests, and performance checks that would otherwise have to be done manually. Additionally, developers benefit from the improved accuracy of automation’s results since human factors like fatigue can be removed from the equation.

Benefits of Manual Testing (compared to Automated Testing)

Manual software testing has long been a staple of the development process, but automated testing is slowly becoming more popular. Despite this trend, manual testing still offers several advantages over its automated counterpart.

Human Intelligence

Manual testers can use their analytical skills to think through how a user would interact with a product or system, something automated tools cannot simulate. This is because humans can use intuition to identify specific errors that machines cannot detect. This behavior can detect subtle defects that cannot be detected through automated methods.

Real User Interaction

Manual testing allows testers to observe how the system behaves under real-world conditions because manual testers can interact with the system in ways automated scripts simply cannot. Manual testing also allows for greater flexibility when dealing with unexpected errors and scenarios; if something goes wrong during an automated test, there’s no way for a tester to intervene and correct the issue.

Usability Concerns

Usability testing measures how easy or difficult a user finds a program to use based on their experience interacting with it. The core usability principles of learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction can not be validated using an automated test. Manual evaluation helps identify any flaws in the design that could affect its usability and ensure that it meets the user’s expectations before the product is released into the market.

Complex Workflows

Manual testing can focus on complex, time-consuming workflows and ad-hoc workflow validations. Regression analysis involves testing previously accepted versions to determine if changes have caused unexpected errors or issues. Error-based testing looks for faulty behavior in response to incorrect inputs or data values.

Domain Knowledge

Manual testers use domain knowledge to identify potential issues and validate expected outcomes. Automated tests cannot replace this expertise, as they cannot detect errors that require subjective judgment or experience. Manual tests can go beyond pre-defined test cases and explore unexpected scenarios that automated tests may not cover. Additionally, they can provide valuable feedback on user experiences, which can help inform subsequent versions of product improvements.

Drawbacks of Using Manual Testing (compared to Automated Testing)

Manual testing can provide valuable feedback to developers and help identify potential issues; however, it also has drawbacks.

Time Consuming

Manual software testing is relatively slow for regression testing. Automated regression tests can reduce the time spent on tedious tasks like regression tests or data entry, allowing them to focus more resources on other areas. Additionally, since automated tests are often repeatable with consistent results, they offer improved reliability compared to manual tests.

Human Errors

Manual software testing is susceptible to human errors. It’s prone to making mistakes when manually running through tests or missing specific steps in a test cycle due to fatigue or lack of attention. This can lead to flaws in the final product, delayed release dates, and additional costs associated with fixing errors post-release. Well-written automated test suites are highly repeatable and produce a more accurate outcome more quickly compared to manual testing.

Limited Scalability

Manual tests have limited scalability; with each new feature or functionality added to the codebase, you’ll need an extra tester to correctly validate its impact on the whole system. Hiring new manual test resources would be costly compared to adding new automated regression scripts.

Test Case Maintenance

Writing test cases often requires detailed knowledge of the system under test as well as an understanding of potential use cases for the product. Once test cases have been written, they must be regularly updated and maintained to keep up with changes made to the codebase — leading to a significant maintenance overhead. In automation, using test cases would be an optional requirement.


In conclusion, the decision to choose between manual and automated software testing depends on the type of project, budget, timeline, and resources available. Both methods of testing are essential in ensuring software quality. Manual testing is more cost-effective, while automated testing saves time and resources. Ultimately, the best option is to use both manual and automated software testing to get comprehensive test coverage. When deciding, it is essential to consider all aspects of the project and weigh the pros and cons accordingly.



Shanaka Fernando
Reflex Media

Seasoned QA professional with over 18 years of experience in Software Quality Assurance.