Reflexer Monthly Recap — September

Money God
Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2021
Money Gods are multiplying

Crypto moves so fast it’s impossible to keep up. Here’s a quick recap of what happened for RAI and Reflexer in September.


Vitalik on RAI and ungovernance
  • September was a huge crosschain month for RAI with over $1M worth of RAI on Polygon alone!
  • Polygon: Kyber DMM
  • Polygon: Polly Finance (with $POLLY rewards)
  • Avalanche: Pangolin (with $AVAX rewards)
  • Idle Finance voted to add in $IDLE rewards on top of existing RAI yields
  • One path towards detaching RAI from Fiat
  • Reflexer Digital Twin Research repo open-sourced with a corresponding walkthrough video
  • DXdao voted to add RAI to their treasury
  • Multiple other proposals out in the wild: Frax, Cryptex,, Aavegotchi, Idle
  • Fei adding another $10m RAI
  • At the end of the month, more than $23m RAI is in protocols and/or DAO treasuries!


  • Community adapted Curve pool contracts to work with RAI! Curve proposal on the Curve forum
  • Community call with Nikolai Mushegian
  • Reflexer Labs (RAI): the What, How and Why by TokenBrice


  • Use RAI to donate on Giveth
  • Fixed yield and $MPH rewards for RAI on 88mph!
  • Proposal to add a RAI Stablecoin Feeder Pool to mStable

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Twitter: @reflexerfinance


