The Untouchable Gun

The gun debate from the viewpoint of a former domestic abuse victim

Ingela Canis


In the US, guns have achieved a rather enviable status. We tote them around, use them in various celebrations, raffle them off, and even bless them in church. Guns are everywhere. We give them to young children for birthdays and Christmas.

Meanwhile, firearms are the second leading cause of pediatric death in the United States.

It appears as though toy guns are more heavily regulated than real ones. Toys are required to look toy-like, so as not to be confused with the real thing. But at the same time, gun manufacturers are targeting young children by making real guns smaller, cuter and more colorful.

It’s very worrisome, not only as far as the physical injuries and deaths of children, but also regarding the desensitization we see emerging in our youngsters. Whatever we see most of during our formative years is normalized. If everyday activities consist of watching our family members shoot guns, dad threatening mom with a gun, being taught to use guns ourselves, playing video games with the goal of maximizing carnage, and being told the world is full of evil and we have to protect ourselves with guns, I believe this changes the mind, and makes many of us colder. Research suggests that “…the mere presence of a gun is enough



Ingela Canis

Recovering naïve believer in genuine goodness.