Write for Reformer today

Share your thoughts and have your voice heard

Jade Saab
2 min readJan 10, 2017


Reformer is an online platform seeking to reinvigorate discussion through thought-provoking, critical, and contextual, articles. Our mission is to present you with the story and the broader context behind it.

Whether you are a veteran writer, or just dipping your toe in, we’re always looking to add bright and insightful writers to our team. Becoming a contributor means you get to showcase your writing and thoughts to a wide global audience and take your writing to the next level.

What we are looking for

Our writing covers anything from current affairs, social issues, and policy. In general, here is what we look for:

  • In depth analysis — Our articles average 2,000 words so you have the room to get into details and the general background of an issue
  • Strong opinions — What do we need to do to fix things? what needs to be changed? Don’t shy away from sharing your thoughts
  • Supported arguments — Wherever possible, link to sources and data that support your arguments

What’s in it for you

  • Reach — Reformer is a new and growing platform with a wide reaching global audience, writing with us will help you and us grow
  • Editorial support — All our articles go through an editorial process which will help you build stronger arguments and become a better writer
  • Who knows! — Reformer is supported by our patrons who help fuel our growth, stick around and we’ll be sure to find a place for you as we grow

If you think this is the place for you send us an email to editor@reformermag.com with a writing sample or article pitch and a brief description of your background and interests.

We look forward to hearing from you.



Jade Saab

Lebanese/Canadian, PhD candidate researching Ideology and Revolution, Organizing with the IWW to build a new society within the shell of the old