Aatmanirbhar Bharat for Kids

How can school children contribute to national development?

Mrigank Pawagi
4 min readMar 24, 2021


Photo by Naveed Ahmed on Unsplash

What can Aatmanirbhar Bharat even mean to kids — most of whom aren’t aatmanirbhar themselves, to start with? Not surprisingly, it is this pandemic that has given us some of the most crucial answers to this question. Over the past several months, the world rolled almost helplessly into the tyranny of this crisis — and as nations, states, and cities fell into its suffocating grasp, kids were one of the worst-hit.

And as children were trapped into their own homes — the world began to realize that a mere lockdown could not confine the wings of their dreams and aspirations. Without a doubt, the children of today are aptly prepared to become self-reliant — as individuals and as a nation. These children are the reflection of tomorrow, a tomorrow that is in our hands to be shaped and polished.

On that account, it is absolutely imperative for school children to recognize their duties and reflect upon their potential to contribute to national development.

The foremost responsibility of children is to stay progressive — and lead the process of educating the nation as persevering learners — while working hard on their passions, to achieve their dreams. Emphasis must be laid on the fact that each child has a distinctive ingredient that, if given enough attention, can make him achieve the greatest of heights. While mindsets may take time to move from the prejudices of one-for-all paths and discrete definitions of success, children must not lose heart and continue striving for themselves and in essence, for the nation.

This is because, no matter the area of interest, every time children hone their skill into expertise, they become an asset for the nation and society.

While this pandemic has forced us all to change our view of life, students themselves have not given up on education despite the unprecedented challenges — continuing school with whatever meager means they may possess — and they must retain these immeasurably important values of vigor, foreseeability, and coherence even in the post-crisis world, if we are to build India into the society we have all dreamt of.

The coming age would be one of Science and Technology — forces that hold the key to national development and offer gigantic possibilities in different directions. A truly self-reliant nation is almost unimaginable without scientific and technological self-sufficiency. It is our duty to develop a Scientific and Analytical temper — to inscribe awareness about the might of science, to become ready to accept the changes it will bring, and if possible, to add newer innovations to it.

Parallel to this, children also carry the onus of the cultural revival of India. If children respect and understand our heritage, they can present India as the epitome of traditional values and intellectual enlightenment — a way of life that the world is in desperate need of.

While they aren’t grown-ups yet, children must not overlook the impending reality that none but they will be the adults of tomorrow. Just like we look up to great men and women of older generations, they too must achieve and cross these landmarks to become the icons of times to come. Our country can step in to complete transformation only by the replacement of the venerable ways of thinking. Children are the looking glass of the present world — and by taking up reforms themselves, they can change the image of the coming era.

Maintaining cleanliness in public areas, not wasting precious resources like water and electricity, planting trees, observing personal hygiene, and tending to every living creature — are just a few ways through while children can herald their stepping into the popular arena. By doing away with the culture of complaining, this will only set milestones for others to follow.

Observation of the shortcomings of our predecessors clearly reveals how nearly every societal-problem is the result of bias, carelessness, or hatred. Children are the true image of humankind — totally devoid of any prejudice, disgust, or partisanship. If we desire, we can maintain that outlook through the rest of our lives — by denouncing all divides and adopting love and compassion as the universal language.

Finally, children must take care of themselves. For a glorious nation, our land needs healthy individuals who can look after themselves, as well as those around them. While we must believe in our nation — and in the great power that lies in collective grit and decisiveness — we ought to make ourselves physically and mentally strong to be able to fight as soldiers at the forefront of development. As we carry the new nation on our shoulders with mutual harmony and with synchronized endeavor — the India of Our Dreams will soon no longer be just a dream.

This story was published in Technifity — A Growing Publication with a difference! Follow Technifity today and stay updated about everything happening — that matters to our times.

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Photo by kevin Xue on Unsplash

