COVID-19 — Intentional or Natural?

Vanshaj Chaudhary
Published in
5 min readJun 15, 2020

With enhancement and massive growth in technology, we living in the 21st century have completely become dependent on this curse which is supposed to be a boon. Technology had given us many things but had taken away from us many things which were equally important in our lives.

For instance, with the enhancement in online chatting and E-sports, people have stopped coming out of their houses for any physical activity due to which there is an increase in lack of social skills in people. This is also affecting their physical health by lowering their immunity levels which in turn is making them more prone to diseases. Such diseases are present all over the world — in every country, every state and even every city or village . One such being-THE COVID-19-the one we all are familiar with.

COVID-19, popularly known as CoronaVirus-Disease-2019 is a detrimental, unseen terrorist with which the whole is fighting at present. It belongs to the SARS family of viruses which were also responsible for the SARS epidemic in 2002–2004. Even the countries with the best healthcare systems in the world have been seen collapsing in front of this deadly enemy.

With its epicenter which is supposed to be rumored from a seafood market of Wuhan in China, it is one of the most deadly viruses in the history of mankind. Spreading in over more than 210 countries and territories, it has taken in its effect more than 78,72,620 people with more than 4,32,475 confirmed deaths cases (as of 14th June 2020).

The origin of this virus is also rumored to be a bat that had bitten a scientist in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. From there on, it started spreading within the Wuhan. The earliest reported case takes us back to November 2019 where a 55-year-old individual from Hubei province in China was reported positive for COVID. Back then it was all associated with and within China and the Chinese government also declined WHO’s questions on this deadly virus claiming that it was just flu or pneumonia which was affecting people in China. But by 31st December 2019, WHO reported it’s first confirmed case and all the information started unleashing about the virus — with the Dragon starting to admit about this disease which turned into a pandemic. On 13th January 2020, WHO reported it’s first case outside China, in Thailand.

This was just the initial stage and now it’s been 6 months since this virus has been confirmed and the figures have changed dynamically with a very little scope of a vaccine in the near future. In April, Singapore became the first country to control all the COVID patients and New Zealand being THE FIRST CORONA FREE country in June.

With no such particular medicine, China has cured most of its cases and has left behind the impact of this virus on the whole world. The situations could have been in control and this might not have turned into a pandemic if China had disclosed it much earlier when its first case was reported — instead of avoiding and hiding this from the international media and the world.

People are also been heard saying that the virus is man-made and is spread by China to move and grow economically more than other countries in the world graph. At certain times, this seems to be true as most of the evidence suspects the Chinese intentions — for instance, the two reporters who first covered this Chinese virus back in December 2019, as well as the doctors in the laboratory of Wuhan who confirmed that it was a deadly virus, have gone missing since.

One point which looks almost dubious is that without the vaccine, the virus which was spreading at such a large pace started decreasing its effect in China in just within 3 months. Also, it should be given a thought that despite being so novel, it was mainly restricted within the territory of Wuhan in China whereas it got spread all around the world.

Also, why people have started thinking this way, is because earlier in history there have been several instances of viruses being spread from China — which had turned into a pandemic — like the Ebola or the H1N1 flu influenza of 1918 which killed around 50 million people.

Though these all are just predictions and we cannot confirm any of these, this virus is a big blunder by China — not only mistake — as it has taken our lives around 50 years back in most of the economical and operational aspects — and China must be blamed for it. There should be strict measures taken against China when this virus slows down its effect.

This has taken the lives of several innocent individuals who have left their families forever just because of this virus. This has turned many people homeless due to the loss of their jobs and earnings. We do have answers to all the questions regarding this matter but don’t have answers for the people who have lost their lives without any mistake.

For now, we can just see this virus spreading till the vaccine arrives in the markets but we surely can take several safety measures to tackle the crisis — like washing our hand after coming back whenever we go outside our home, disinfecting but not sanitizing everything that comes from outside our house (because disinfecting kills the virus while sanitizing only reduces it), and most importantly, maintaining social-distancing to prevent this micro-organism from entering our body.

Stay Home, Stay Safe.

This story was published in Technifity — A Growing Publication with a difference! Follow Technifity today and stay updated about everything happening — that matters to our times.

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Photo by kevin Xue on Unsplash

