Why is NOTA a bad option?

Quite a bad option — Morally, and Democratically.

Mrigank Pawagi
5 min readMar 18, 2020


This is an article from June, 2019.

India had its General Elections, this April-May. Discussing about it in my tenth grade classroom, I was surprised to see that many teenagers, who were going to cast their vote in the next elections, were quite determined about going for NOTA.

Source: hindi.indiatvnews.com

NOTA — None of the Above

NOTA (None of the Above) is the Choice given to voters, to vote against all the contesting candidates — showing complete disapproval of all the candidates, without violation of secrecy of their choice.

Why even?

The purpose of NOTA is to make elections more democratic — free and fair. There are often instances where opposing contestants or political parties seem equally negative, and it is hard to make a choice. NOTA allows people to cast their vote even in such circumstances, rather than just not voting because casting a vote doesn’t appear worthwhile.

With NOTA, voters can force political parties to change their candidates — ultimately resulting in cleaner politics.

Source: affinitymagazine.us

The Bad Side

Rejecting Candidates is against Democracy

A Democracy is about allowing everybody to contest elections — freely. This is to ensure that the voters must have sufficient choices when they vote.

One must fulfill certain criteria and makes some public declarations — after which he/she is completely entitled to contest.

At this point, disapproving a person, rather than voting AGAINST him, demanding parties to change their candidates, goes against this very point — hampering the right of every person to contest.

Just a Lazy alternative

However, amidst the hard political competition that prevails, differences in political opinions often are a reason for conflict between people who aren’t even directly involved in politics. A very diplomatic stand, that many may opt, is to be neutral.

However, political neutrality doesn’t rest with support for all, but equates to being against everyone — often finding criticism against every contestant. And that is what NOTA allows one to do.

With NOTA, a voter can easily escape from the task of choosing one ideology, or political party, over many others. Its not just laziness, its impotency. Not making a choice is always easier than making one.

That is how NOTA makes a voter insensitive to the sensitive need to elect.

Depreciates the Decision-Making Skill

A democratic election is about giving everyone the opportunity to vote for the person they feel could lead them the best. In every case, voters, as they are expected, vote for the candidate (or party) that is the best among everyone else.

In fact, the ability to make intelligent decisions, including choosing the best, is very vital to human existence.

However, NOTA gives voters an opportunity to avoid making this decision. It depreciates their will, and the skill, to make smart and vital decisions. There’s always a “best”, even among everything bad. It just requires a little effort to figure this out.

Discourages Changes in a Democracy

And the Ability to Raise Voice

A Democracy, with free and fair elections, allows every person, or group, to contest elections. It is the rule of the people. The people are not dependent, and can, and do, become the leaders.

If there is really no positive choice in an election, a democracy encourages people to stand up for themselves. They can fight as independents or even set up their own political parties.

However, with NOTA in action, people simply disapprove of the existing candidates — in the hope that political parties shall change their existing candidates. However, even if candidates were changed, their political ideology would remain yet the same (as they would belong to the same parties). What change could it even bring to governance?

Also, this curbs the will of the people to stand up for themselves and contest elections — raising their own voice. This degenerates the very spirit of democracy — by expecting others to change, rather than BRINGING the change.

Source: wefornews.com

Limited Outcome

Since it was brought out in 2013, NOTA hasn’t brought any significant outcome, except cutting votes. In the 2019 General Elections, 1.04% people voted for NOTA — the highest being 5% in the Gopalganj — which is quite below the (proposed) 10% mark needed for a change in candidates.

Not effective anymore

The Election Commission has ruled out that NOTA votes shall be considered invalid — and would have no effect on the election outcome.

Appeal to Future Voters

Returning to the incident I recounted, one thing that future voters should ensure is that they must not avoid trying to make a good choice. NOTA should never be a choice — its mere wastage of a precious vote — a vote that is counted without going to anyone.

NOTA is not responsible decisiveness, but mere justification for impotency.

After all, ours are the Largest and the Most efficient Elections in the World.

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Photo by kevin Xue on Unsplash

