How A Friends Project Turned Into A Digital Event Start-Up

reframed | world
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2020

“Dare to imagine a different tomorrow || Reframing the future of digital event formats”- these core beliefs in our power to actively set new frames for how we experience digital events in the future was our main motivation to take things into our own hands and found the start-up reframed.

reframed official website

What’s The Story Behind The Start Up

It all started with three best friends who wanted to do a project together. Out of passion for music, we founded the Dies | Das collective for which we planned to organize artsy, inclusive music events in our beloved multicultural Berlin. But Corona hit and we had to find new ways of connecting (with) people through music. As the Lockdown situation continued, we started thinking outside the box and found that one aspect connected us all: decentrality. Using this to our advantage became our focal point in creating digital music events.

Cover Online Festival Drunter & Drüber

To create truly inclusive and dynamic events, we realized how important it is to provide a platform where we can enable connections with each other that supersede the physical boundaries and allow people worldwide to take part in our events. This led us to create immersive and dynamic online experiences through our virtual dancefloors, interactive maps and diverse workshops.

By now, we can proudly say that we have organized the world’s first, non-profit, (fully) online music festival called Drunter & Drüber Festival. With the generous donations, we could give back to the artists and donate part of the money to Seebrücken e.V. As the festival was a full success, we have continued to go further and organized more Open Airs, digital events and festivals such as the Karneval der Kuriositäten.

Interactive Map from our Online Festival: Karneval der Kuriositäten

Through these digital events, we got to cooperate with over 20 other collectives from all over the world and could provide a (much-needed) stage for over 250 artists. Moreover, to put the experiences we gained by organizing these digital events to use, we have created a digital awareness concept in cooperation with the Berlin Club Commission.

As things grew bigger, we also started thinking bigger. We deep dived into all aspects of digital event planning; we were curious enough to try new things but also ambitious enough to execute our events in a highly professional and efficient manner. These two attributes enabled us to imagine a different tomorrow in which we would actively shape the future of digital events. All the experiences we gained through our events pushed us to go further and become innovative in our mission to reframe digital events. We wanted to use this knowledge and enable companies to create their own unique digital experiences and suddenly we sat at the notary to register our very own start up reframed.

Interested in our start-up? Then what are you waiting for — check out our website ( or get in touch with us to talk about the exciting new future of innovative digital events (

Stay tuned. In the next post you get to know the creators of reframed!

Photo by Sincerly Media on Unsplash



reframed | world

Dare to imagine a different tomorrow || Reframing the future of digital event formats