Facebook stories are now available for pages

Here is my experience in using Facebook stories so far

Refresh Magazine
2 min readNov 10, 2017


As you may know, Facebook is cutting down the organic reach for Facebook pages with the introduction of the explore feed.

My Facebook page reach has gone down from 3000+ per page to just over 40 because of the new change. Facebook is also experimenting displaying page updates as a carousel in the news feed which will further cut down the reach of pages.

One new introduction for Facebook pages is the introduction of ‘Facebook stories’ for pages, stories were only available for user profiles up until recently and Facebook is slowly expanding it to Facebook pages.

Stories last only 24 hours and the updates will soon disappear

I have been trying Facebook stories on my Facebook pages and the reach has been quite satisfactory up to now.

One reason for this is that Facebook stories are available at the top of the newsfeed all the time, so users are seeing it every time they log into Facebook and there is a higher chance of them clicking on your story.

But the downside is that stories last only 24 hours and the updates will soon disappear and sometimes 24 hours is too small to get a good reach. Also if you have to stay ahead in stories you will have to constantly update your stories otherwise it will go behind and the chance of reaching goes down with it.

Up to now my experience with Facebook stories has been a positive one and I highly recommend you try it on your brands to increase reach.

I will talk about ideas and methods to use stories to gain more reach in an upcoming post.



Refresh Magazine

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌