20 Things That Make Me Smile

30-day writing challenge — Day 1

Jenn Brownell
2 min readSep 4, 2022


Photo by todd kent on Unsplash

Starting a little late on this challenge, but better late than never! My goal this month is to write consistently, and starting late is still starting.

Here’s my list of 20 things that make me smile. These aren’t in any order, except that my daughters will always be number one. My list isn’t complicated, or brilliant — just simple things that make me smile daily.

  1. My daughters
  2. Sunflowers
  3. The smell of new books
  4. A star-filled sky
  5. The laughter of children
  6. Puppies — and more specifically, our puppy, Penny
  7. Baby goats in pajamas
  8. Kittens playing
  9. The sound of rain
  10. Finding a new author to read
  11. Finishing a great book — and finding another one on my Kobo Plus account
  12. Writing
  13. Anytime Stephen King publishes a new book
  14. A phone call from my girls
  15. Coffee
  16. Thinking about my Dad — even though I miss him
  17. Watching a child learn something
  18. Rainbows
  19. Learning
  20. Reading

Like I said, simple, everyday things that bring me joy. I wish I could say the list came easily, but some thought was required to finish it.

Here’s to a great month of writing in September and spending more time finding the things that make me smile.



Jenn Brownell

Avid reader, and lover of learning. I write the random thoughts that come into my head. Working towards a full-time writing career.