A Strong Foundation

It’s all one ever needs

Bear Kosik
Refresh the Soul
Published in
5 min readJul 5, 2024


One squirrel, one blue jay (Photo by Bear Kosik)

How have portions of culture, faith, or tradition shaped me?

My father was raised in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (aka DOC), a religious group that rejects the structures of a denomination.

[N.B. DOC uses a combination of the names of two evangelical movements that merged in the nineteenth century.]

Dad’s maternal grandmother helped found the DOC congregation in Sharon PA after she was baptized in the Shenango River by Rev. Billy Sunday.

I know this because my paternal grandmother was Church Historian.

My mother dropped out of the Catholic Church when she married my father in 1957 because he was divorced. His previous wife divorced him after refusing to move from western PA to Washington DC, where my father was stationed in the Army.

[N.B. If my parents waited to marry six or so years later after the Second Vatican Council issued its documents, Mom may have remained Catholic. I would not have been Catholic though, because I wouldn’t have been born if they waited six years to marry.]

While living in DC (and then Arlington VA), my parents attended National City Christian Church on Thomas…



Bear Kosik
Refresh the Soul

Proudly queer, over-educated, well-traveled, disabled polymath. Write neo-retro-postmodern fiction, plays, poems, nonfiction, lyrics. Google name for more info.