About the Love for Food and a Life of Happiness

3 Things That Bring Me Joy

Jennifer Barrios Tettay
4 min readAug 5, 2022
Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay

“What Makes You Shine? What Brings You Joy?”

A wonderful question!

And indeed, I feel a sense of anticipation to be able to write about it.

That said, I count myself as one of those people who are blessed with particularly great good fortune.

It hasn’t always been that way.

But perhaps that is precisely what makes me appreciate this happiness so much. I want to embrace it with both hands, cherish it, enjoy it and never let go.

Pure Love

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It’s no secret that I absolutely adore my little son. After all, I hardly ever miss an opportunity to mention him.

He’s not that little anymore (he’s 13), but with Down Syndrome, age is a rather minor consideration.

His presence just makes me so incredibly happy!

🤍 When the little man smiles at me or wraps his little arms around me and hugs me.
🤍 When he sings loudly in the shower.
🤍 When he places his cuddly toys next to each other on the sofa with the utmost care!
🤍 When he’s nagging me that he wants to visit his cousin.
🤍 When he cares for others full of compassion when someone is not feeling well….

He is a blessing and my angel!

Pizza Time!

image by oksmith from openclipart

Every now and then we like to order our food.

There is this Italian restaurant that delivers and they make really damn good pizza. And when the bell rings on such a day, my heart beats faster!

🍕 And then when I open the pizza box and the aroma of pizza crust, cheese and prosciutto already comes to me, I feel like I’m in heaven.

My favorite is pizza prosciutto with extra tomato!

It’s just a brief moment of happiness, but it makes me feel like a kid finally getting their presents on Christmas Eve!

And it’s not just limited to pizza.

In general, I am an absolute foodie!

With a good meal, you can win my heart. 💝

Nostalgic Memory: Colombia

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When I met my husband, we were still living on two different continents. He in South America, me in Europe.

It was not an easy time then, because I was in the midst of a phase in which I was slowly recovering from a prolonged period of depression.

Thus, my trip to Barranquilla was soothing for the soul.

Far away from all worries and from all obligations, close to people who care a lot about me and who are very dear to me, my soul was able to heal.

The first time I was only there for 2 weeks. But for those 2 weeks, I could just be me.

There was so little for me to do, I was even bored at times!

When I woke up in the morning, I often stayed lying down for a long time, waiting until my husband ( boyfriend at that time) would get up first.

A few rays of sunlight entered through the fine cracks of the wall and from outside there was a lot of activity, until at some point the South American music started loudly, which was played day in and day out on the streets back then.

In the evening it was already getting dark around 6 pm, but the air was still warm.

And walking through the streets like this reminded me of happy vacations with my parents when I was a kid.

When my father was still alive, before his stroke, and before his drinking problem.

Just being myself —

it took overcoming 5,000 miles across the Atlantic to get that feeling back.

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