Being an Empath

Understanding the Power Within You

Linda Lang
Refresh the Soul
3 min readMay 30, 2024


Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

For much of my early life, I did not realize I was an empath. I was quiet and shy, with radar that quickly sensed the energy around me.

As my empathy evolved, I discovered that my heightened sensitivity was not just a quirk but a profound intuitive skill deeply ingrained in my being.

Image from Paramore on Canva

Being an empath comes with some unique traits (and gifts), some unique challenges, and many rewards when our intuitive nature is fully embraced.

Empathy and intuition have become two of the cornerstones of my being. They are powerful tools that guide me through life’s intricate tapestry.

Empathy allows me to resonate with others on a deeper level, sensing and understanding their energy and emotions with profound authenticity.

It is a gift that enables me to be a compassionate listener, providing support to those in need.

Intuition is a silent yet potent force that whispers guidance from within. It is the subtle nudges, the gut feelings, and the unspoken messages that shape my decisions and interactions.

Together, they could be considered a superpower.

Image by Vectorbum on Canva

Many empaths don’t realize that their deep sense of feeling is actually an intuitive gift. They’re naturally wired this way from birth. They possess expansive energy fields that can read and absorb energetic vibrations from their surroundings.

An empath who has mastered this gift realizes the depth of connection they share with the world around them. They truly can tune in, connect, and tap into information that others simply miss.

Many empaths are very good listeners, not just to words but also to energy.

They are compassionate, and feel good to other people. Perhaps that is because they are helping to process emotions and energy for others – whether they know it or not.

A telltale sign… Do you have friends or family who call you when they are feeling angry or upset, sad or lost, only to find at the end of the conversation, that they are feeling much better, and you are feeling tired, heavy, or not as good as you did before?

You may be an empath!

Image by Milani on Canva

An empath’s energy field doesn’t have a clearly defined boundary or edge. You might think of it as being porous or fuzzy, allowing energies from the environment (including people) to intermingle with their energy field. Their energy system then mirrors the ebbs and flows of emotions and energies that surround them.

Although it can be tricky to decipher “what” belongs to “who”, when mastered, these energetic vibrations offer a continuous stream of information, guiding empaths through the intricate web of human connections and experiences.

Through years of practice, self-awareness, and being mindful, I’ve learned to differentiate between my emotions and those I sense from others.

Occasionally I falter, but my intention is always to create a sacred space where empathy and intuition intertwine harmoniously. It means maintaining my energetic sovereignty while mastering the depth of intuitive gifts that empathy offers.

By embracing my empathic nature with respect and resilience, I can forge deeper connections with myself and the world, unraveling the true potential of my intuitive abilities.

If you’re learning your skill as an empath, I encourage you to first find balance, then explore the inherent gifts your heightened sensitivity brings.

If you’d like my guide, Learning to Listen, visit to request it.

If you are interested in metaphysics and spirituality, please check out my podcast, Exploring the Mystical Side of Life, on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform. Enjoy!!



Linda Lang
Refresh the Soul

Linda Lang is a transformational guide & healer at, and the host of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life podcast. Come listen!