Busy Yet Empty: Why the World Needs More Presence and Less Rush
Nurturing your soul in a world focused on constant achievements: Is it possible?
My husband and I were evaluating our lives and how we operate in the world and we stumbled across a statement that made us both pause.
There’s been a lot of doing and not enough being.
In other words, when we do too much — even when it seems like “good” stuff, are we allowing some “being” into the mix? Are we taking time to be who we were created to be?
For instance, I love to create stuff. I like to paint, shoot photos, garden, and cook. That’s a short list. Maybe that spurred some thoughts from you.
The deeper issue — I find myself in my head telling myself a story that I need to “do” in order to “be” and really I just need to “be.”
Do you find yourself making lists for every day? Is your to-do list endless, leaving you overwhelmed and feeling exhausted?
Stop and ask yourself this question: is that ok? Is it ok that you don’t complete the to-do list?
You know that popular saying, “don’t just sit there, do something!” How about we flip it on its head to read
Don’t just do something, sit there.