Discord is the Enemy

Cecile Ashibel
Refresh the Soul
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2022
Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

“For lack of wood, the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, contention quiets down” Prov. 26:20

This morning, I settled into the day’s routine with a voracious appetite for literature, and I’ve been lucky to chance on an interesting piece. It is the sort that throws you into depths of introspection and sobriety. Before this, I was immersed in the 25-page ebook I received from the Subtle Art Academy. Although I learned a few concepts, such as the relationship between cue, behavior, and reward in habit formation, most of it was knowledge I am familiar with.

The author of the poem I refer to, Ehi-kowochio Ogwiji, reminisced poignantly about the gruesome fate of some unfortunate girls who suffered at the hands of their captors, some disguised as guardians. Knowing neither the warmth of a home nor the love of a family, the one was repeatedly battered and sexually abused and eventually passed from the horrors of her reality. Others, she narrated, simply embraced a reality not their choosing but which became lifestyle and livelihood, and others still were never able to overcome their trauma and triggers.

She wrote about Ochanya and Uwa, names that call into question the authenticity of our criminal justice systems. These infallible manmade agencies we are subjected to and must continue to confide in.

It is a shame that society is robust with these reprobate characters. Even more sickening that the regularity of such base behavior can desensitize a community to its malevolence. But can we wrestle these societal evils and expect to transcend their co-occurring motivations and belief systems? Indeed, we can.

When Tunde, the Chess in Slums guy, launched this project, it warmed many hearts to see the passion and determination with which he sought to establish a family and hope for the displaced and dismissed in our Nigerian communities. Several months later, generous contributions have been made, and partnerships formed. It all begins with one good example, many are willing and eager to serve.

Notions of superiority and otherness are delusions of the unconscious mind, mental prisons that cause much pain and suffering. Humanity is called to love first and nurture. All else is superficial and fleeting. We must do our best to uphold this charge and teach the same to our younger generations, lest we become our own demise as a human race.



Cecile Ashibel
Refresh the Soul

I am interminably fascinated by two words: patience and humility. These are the soul and life of the stories I tell; the striving for unprejudiced clarity.