
Grateful To Be Alive

Because Happiness Is a Matter of Perspective

Jennifer Barrios Tettay
4 min readSep 3, 2022
photo of a happy woman with long black hair on orange-brown background
created with canva

It’s 8 am in Germany, and the sun shines through the living room window. My husband is still in bed, using the day off from work to sleep longer while our son watches YouTube videos on his iPad in his room.

I just finished my breakfast.

I had a buttered pretzel breadstick and a sandwich from the bakery. Soul Food! I am still enjoying my zero-sugar energy drink.

The episode of Big Bang Theory I watched while eating was funny and a little sad at the same time.

You can tell fall has arrived. It’s not so unbearably hot anymore. in fact, I’m sitting with a wool blanket over my shoulders right now as I write this.

Today I Still Have Plenty of Things Planned!

photo of a woman with red hair, smiling
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

This prompt is just the first of many tasks I’ve set myself for this Saturday. It’s followed by a Writing Prompt by the Bouncin’ and Behavin’ publication that Jason Provencio shared in his Facebook group yesterday — after I asked if we could do it.

Add-in: Just now, a notification reaches me of being nominated for another challenge by him! I’m honored. 😄 And I may not make it to the weekend, but I will 100% deliver my contribution!

Also, I had completely missed the start of the Shortform publication 30-day challenge. I still want to catch up with the entries here.

If I can somehow make it work in terms of time, I will still participate in the weekend challenge of A Taste of Life. However, tomorrow is also a day.

And because that’s not enough — Richard Bailey shared 10 prompts yesterday too! I really appreciate Richard as an author and fellow Medium member. For that reason alone, I definitely want to write about these prompts.

Isn’t it nice to get so much inspiration?

Picking out an appropriate topic is sometimes the hardest for me. But when I get a little food for thought, the words just bubble out of me! Yes, my creativity is a bit sluggish, but it gets rolling as soon as it gets a small push from the outside.

Starting a Minecolony

screenshot of Minecraft in a Terralith biome
screenshot by author

As a balance to writing, I’ve been modding a little in Minecraft these days. Then yesterday I was in my world with the terraforming so far finished and started my colony!

It is the first time I’m playing this mod. How fascinating to watch the cute NPCs building their houses! I love it and am already looking forward to tonight.

Also, I got to talking with Ravyne Hawke yesterday about Runescape. And now I have a great desire to play again myself! Runescape just has the best questlines. So creative! Exciting and often with a touch of humor, just my thing.

Prompt: What Are You Grateful for Today?

photo of a house’s wall, “Everything has beauty but not everyone can see it” is written on it
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

There are so many reasons to be grateful. Every day is a gift in itself.

Maybe some people will think that it’s easy for me to talk. Then let me say one thing: not everything is going smoothly here either.

Tuesday to Wednesday night, the police broke into our apartment. It was a misunderstanding, but the shock was still huge.

👉 Here is the whole story

Also, our oven, which was less than 2 years old, started throwing sparks a week ago until the fuse blew out. It will be about another week before the electrician comes. During this time, we can’t cook anything except rice — praise be to the rice cooker! — as well as stuff from the microwave.

But hey, at least we have enough to eat. According to World Hunger Aid, about 800 million people on earth can’t say about themselves.

My husband’s PC also recently died, so now I have to share mine with him. How good that I can also write on my laptop! And yes, I don’t want to whine too much about my First World problems.

In any case, personal happiness is strongly a matter of perspective.

This is especially true for us privileged people who have a roof over our heads and always enough food on the table.

💬 And what are you most grateful for today?

Share it in the comments!

This was my 3rd contribution to the 30-Day Writing Challenge by Nancy Blackman in Refresh the Soul. Thank you, Nancy!

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