I Love My Body and All It Does For Me
Because I am strong even in places that I think are weak
I have had digestive issues most of my life, so imagine my delight when I sat in on a free webinar with a naturopath doctor who said, “Your stomach lining regenerates every 5 to 7 days.” What?!
For someone who recovered from leaky gut syndrome, I was beside myself. I also did my research because that seemed too good to be true. It’s all in how you nurture your body. More on that in a bit.
It also got me thinking. How many other parts of our body regenerate?
I love my body and all it does for me.
Here’s a list (because I know you wanna know!)
Skin: every 2–4 weeks
Liver: depending on damage, months to years
Kidney: depending on damage, weeks to months
Pancreas: very limited capacity
Retina in eyes: also very limited capacity
Blood cells: daily to weekly
Muscles: weeks to months
Bone: although bone tissue is always reshaping, it takes roughly 10 years for complete regeneration
Lungs: slow and limited
Nervous system (brain and spinal cord): very limited capacity