I Say Kind Thoughts and Words to Myself
Because kindness starts with me
All good things begin within us. When we learn to honor ourselves with kind thoughts, self-love, and compassion, we know what it feels like and that makes it easier to be kind, loving, and compassionate to others. This is especially important for those who had early childhood trauma and never heard a positive word spoken to them.
I write this from a place of personal experience, having grown up in a highly charged household with a verbally abusive parent.
“But what comes out of your mouth reveals the core of your heart. Words can pollute, not food.” — Matthew 15:18, TPT
I am reminded of this scripture whenever I think about my childhood and who I have become. Mainly because I have worked hard not to let my words be unkind. I am human, though, and I slip up.
So, as you contemplate how you talk to yourself, whether silently or aloud, remember to be kind and gracious, for your heart is tender and loving, and you need kindness.