Let It Go, Let It Flow, Let It Happen

Life Happens With or Without Our Consent

James Beaufait
4 min readFeb 14, 2022
Photo by Nikola Majksner on Unsplash

We are not moving through life. Life is moving through us. There is a life force that flows through us. When we learn to flow with these energies our life becomes one of exploring all the potential that it has to offer us.

There are challenges and there are joyful glides. All combined a life flows, it knows where it’s going. We’ll catch up, or catch on, sooner or later.

Some say it’s just a matter of experience, that the events in our life steer us towards our ultimate talent or purpose. While others might present a different perspective of managing or controlling the flow of life’s events and energies by the choices we make. I say these energies can be guided but cannot be controlled.

There’s no argument about the importance of our choices. However, I’m forever curious about the energies that flow through our lives and how going with the flow has so much more love and grace than forcing a swim upstream. I submit that life is a downstream exercise. I’d rather flow to an ocean of infinite possibilities than find a trickling source of the Nile. Yet, it’s all a choice.

This is not saying that going with the flow is energetically easier or happens with less effort. One still needs to learnedly navigate the ebbs and…



James Beaufait

Living our dream off-grid in Hawaii; passionate about creative expression: Wabi-sabi stories, living and dreaming consciously, and communing with Mother Nature.